Emails Expose St. Louis Area Librarians Recruiting Drag Performers for Children

There are screen-caps at the link. These librarians deserve to be fired. They’re not thinking about the children, they’re just doing what they want to do.

The Federalist reports:

‘So Excited’: Emails Show Local Librarians Recruiting Drag Performers For KidsEmails from librarians who brought cross-dressing performers to Republican-leaning Saint Louis suburbs this summer illustrate how easy it is for a few public employees to hijack tax-funded resources to promote sexual behaviors to children.Emails obtained by The Federalist show just a few local librarians in Collinsville and Glen Carbon, Illinois, working with other librarians to use their public positions to promote personal causes. The Collinsville and Glen Carbon Centennial public libraries this summer featured “drag queen storytime” events on June 3, 7, and 21 to promote homosexual “Pride Month.”National surveys show the profession is overwhelmingly white and female — 87 and 81 percent, respectively, in a 2014 American Library Association (ALA) survey. That’s the same demographic becoming Democrats’ most significant voting bloc and often the most likely to push identity politics, often for personal psychological reasons.While the ALA recently urged librarians whose communities don’t want public institutions to push sexual information on kids to “sneak” LGBT materials in, these librarians wanted to go further. They wanted more than a Pride Month display that merely puts sex books at toddlers’ eye level. They wanted drag shows for kids.Librarians All-In for Exposing KidsThe obtained emails indicate professional librarians’ networks enthusiastically assisted with creating and promoting these events. February 2022 emails The Federalist obtained through an open-records request in June show Glen Carbon youth librarian Aimee Villet asking Saint Louis librarians to recommend drag performers to hire: “[W]ould love to offer a Drag Queen storytime at our library,” Villet wrote.

Tags: College Insurrection, LGBT, Progressives