Dozens of Brown University Students Displaced by Flooding in Dorm Building
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Dozens of Brown University Students Displaced by Flooding in Dorm Building

Dozens of Brown University Students Displaced by Flooding in Dorm Building

“I’ve seen this flooding before but it’s usually in deplorable conditions. I was very surprised to see it here at Brown”

In case you haven’t heard, heavy rain has caused severe flooding in many parts of Rhode Island, particularly in the Providence area.

WJAR News reports:

About 30 Brown University students displaced by flooding in dorm building

Heavy rain and flooding in Providence impacted more than just drivers and roads on Monday afternoon after a small flood forced about 30 students out of their dorms at Brown University.

“I’ve seen this flooding before but it’s usually in deplorable conditions. I was very surprised to see it here at Brown,” said one student.

The flooding happened at a residence hall in Keeney Quad. Students told NBC 10 News that it’s called the Archibald-Bronson House.

“Their rooms, like there was just standstill water,” said Akshay Mehtay, a freshman at Brown University.

“You could see that the water was very high, so if you were just walking through it would get in your shoes. And it was just high all over the place,” said another student.

A university spokesperson said about 30 students were temporarily displaced. Crews were seen working outside the quad area, trying to remove water and assess damage.

“It wasn’t huge, but it was enough to where it was disruptive,” said Mehtay. “I know a lot of people are displaced and there’s like a lounge of the fifth floor where people are staying. But it’s pretty heartbreaking, like your first days here and now they have to stay in a lounge instead of their own dorms.”

Some even stepped in to help fellow students impacted.

“A lot of people were carrying their stuff upstairs, so I was helping people get people out of their rooms and getting towels and stuff like that,” Mehtay said.


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Was there vote counting going on there?

Asking for a friend… 😉

I’m sure this made them all feel unacceptably threatened, was a direct threat to the lives and safety of their chosen communities, and proved once more that globular warmening is going to stab us all in our sleep within the next five years, tops.

Back in my day, the dorm looked like this every September, as the incoming freshmen tried doing their own laundry for the first time in their lives.

Most students would expect dorms that have been around for a few years would have established storm drain systems to prevent rainwater from collecting to the level of 2 inches inside the buildings. Perhaps Brown should invest in a more effective drainage system.

Is there anything particularly atypical of this amount of rain?

Make sure you don’t swim in that water.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 8, 2022 at 7:32 am

“Dozens of Brown University Students…”

English is so much fun. Are the floods affecting brown university students? Or, students at Brown University?

Let us translate that first student quote shall we? ‘Only poor people suffer the effects of flooding. How could this happen at Brown?’