Conservative Students Detained for Allegedly ‘Aggravating’ Minority Student Groups During Protest

It looks like what happened here is that the minority groups called for defunding campus police, the conservative student groups protested the proposal, and the police detained the conservative students. Does that make any sense?

The College Fix reports:

Protesting conservative students detained for ‘aggravating’ minority student groupsSeveral individuals from the Cal State Fullerton and Cal State Long Beach chapters of Turning Point USA were detained by campus cops after allegedly “aggravating” members of two minority student organizations.According to the Daily Forty-Niner, the TPUSA students “surrounded the entrance” to the CSULB Latinx and Black Resource Center to voice their opposition to the Students for Quality Education’s advocacy for defunding the campus police.Cal State Fullerton TPUSA President Marcos Zelada said he and his fellow protesters were “practicing their freedom of speech” against the defunding initiative.Zelada, who carried a sign which read “Defunding never works, bozos,” added “This was an impromptu counter to the dangerous ideas of defunding the police, which is what [Students for Quality Education] is trying to do on campus.”Students from the Students for Quality Education meeting eventually went out to “confront” the TPUSA demonstrators, leading the latter to call the police.In a joint statement posted to Instagram, members of the Black Student Union, La FUERZA and Students for Quality Education said the TPUSA members “created an unsafe environment” for those affiliated with the three groups, and they “requested” the university administration “respond appropriately to [TPUSA’s] attack.”The statement went on to call TPUSA a “known alt-right, racist, and fascist group funded by White Supremacists [sic] donors and leaders” and said TPUSA’s call to the cops was to “weaponize” the police.“When Campus Police [sic] arrived, they made it clear who they saw as a threat, our Black and Brown students,” the minority coalition’s statement said. “Right away we were pushed back by Campus Police and told to ‘calm down.’ This interaction highlights the systemic biases of Campus Police, and the unfair treatment our Black and Brown students faced.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Protest