The operator of California’s power grid is advising state residents to prepare for rolling outages because of a heatwave. Governor Gavin Newsom constantly brags about the state’s commitment to green energy, but he can’t even keep the power on.
How will they power all the electric cars once they ban gas-powered vehicles if they can’t keep the power on?
Bradford Betz reports at FOX News:
California power grid operator issues stage 3 alert level, says rotating power outages ‘very possible’California’s power grid operator declared a stage 3 energy emergency alert Tuesday evening, warning that rotating power outages were “very possible” as a brutal heat wave walloping the state pushed electricity demand to its limits.”Energy Emergency Alert 3 with rotating #power outages very possible. Please reduce your energy use,” The California Independent System Operator (ISO) tweeted.Several hours later, at 8 p.m., the ISO ended the alert which was initially scheduled to continue until 9 p.m.The grid operator said energy conservation “played a big part in protecting electric grid reliability.””Thank you, California!” it added in a tweet Tuesday evening.California ISO warned residents earlier Tuesday to be prepared for the possibility of rotating power outages and issued an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) 2 for 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.Some 67,000 Californians were without power Monday evening, according to, while ongoing power outages affected more than 40,000 Pacific Gas and Electric Company customers across 28 counties.
As you may know, when something like this happens, the media plays a game on who or what is to blame. If a Republican is in charge, the Republican is blamed, but Democrat leadership is never to blame:
It’s also important to remember that the Democrats running the country see California as everyone’s future. Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said so just recently:
The worst part is that none of this is necessary. It’s being done by choice.
Keeping the power on is one of the most basic duties of local government. The people of California should be outraged.