Border, Safety, Inflation and Energy Are Focus of GOP 2022 ‘Commitment to America’
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Border, Safety, Inflation and Energy Are Focus of GOP 2022 ‘Commitment to America’

Border, Safety, Inflation and Energy Are Focus of GOP 2022 ‘Commitment to America’

“We want an economy that is strong. That means you can fill up your tank. You can buy the groceries. You have enough money left over to go to Disneyland and save for a future — that the paychecks grow, they no longer shrink”

Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and other House Republicans unveiled their “Commitment to America” plan for the 2022 midterms in Pennsylvania today.

In a move similar to what Newt Gingrich did in 1994, the House GOP is promising Americans that they will focus on issues that matter most to voters.

FOX News has details:

McCarthy, House Republicans highlight economy, education in ‘Commitment to America’ agenda

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy introduced the GOP’s “Commitment to America” package on Friday, Republicans’ shared sales pitch ahead of the upcoming midterm elections.

McCarthy came out swinging in his speech, accusing Democratic lawmakers of ignoring rising crime, decrying restrictions on parental rights and promising to repeal the recent expansion to the Internal Revenue Service.

The agenda includes a slate of general policy recommendations in four broad categories: “An Economy That’s Strong;” “A Nation That’s Safe;” “A Future That’s Built on Freedom;” and “A Government That’s Accountable.”

“We want an economy that is strong. That means you can fill up your tank. You can buy the groceries. You have enough money left over to go to Disneyland and save for a future — that the paychecks grow, they no longer shrink,” McCarthy told the crowd, laying out what Republicans say they will do if they gain the House majority.

He continued, “We have a plan for a nation that’s safe. That means your community will be protected, your law enforcement will be respected. Your criminals will be prosecuted. We believe in a future that’s built on freedom — that your children come first.”

Watch some highlights below:

Democrats have called the Republican plan extreme. Newt Gingrich responded to that claim this morning on FOX News.

Most political analysts expect the GOP to retake the House in November.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Where have we heard this before?

    This comment is really pathetic. We are barely a month from the midterm elections, and most of the people in the comments section here at LI seem to do nothing but disparage Republicans. It’s almost like you WANT the Republicans to lose and remain in the minority, so that the left-wing Democrats can remain in power, and so that you can continue to bloviate many times every day in these comments about everyone who disagrees with you being a Hitler/Fascist or a Communist. You are being played like a fiddle by the left-wing Democrats. I sometimes think that you are being paid by them to post comments here. You are too stupid to even understand what is going on. It’s time to circle the wagons and save what we can of our country. Even the Republicans I do not like are far better than their Democrat opponents. And you are too stupid to understand this. After the elections in November when we lose because of your anti-Republican diatribes, it will be too late.

      Barry in reply to JR. | September 23, 2022 at 7:39 pm

      What’s pathetic is the GOPe and their handmaidens like you, always pretending and then always helping the marxist left.

      This is nothing more than bullshit. Sire, McCarthy is going to reign in the illegal invasion on the border. Pull the other one. They had control of both houses and Trump as president and they didn’t spend one dime on the border.

      henrybowman in reply to JR. | September 23, 2022 at 7:53 pm

      What we ARE are tired of being played like a fiddle by left-wing Republicans.
      There are Republicans I do not disparage.
      Too damn few.
      We want to elect more, the RNC clearly does not.

      Paddy M in reply to JR. | September 23, 2022 at 8:41 pm

      Your only post regarding a leftist murdering a teenager was some lame whataboutism about Charlottesville. But I’m sure you’re soooper concerned about the electoral chances of the GOP in Nov, JR.

      Instead of the usual squishy celebration, get ready to jump right into their faces and light their pants on fire the moment they win. We don’t have time to allow them to weasel out. They promised IMMEDIATE ACTION on several issues. Impeachments, investigations, repealing the insane IRS funding bill,… They will not do that unless we are kicking their butts the entire way. We don’t want to hear what they plan to do anymore. JUST DO IT!!!

I don’t see my top two issues: secure elections and reining in the FBI. If we don’t have secure elections the Democrats will just continue to steal offices and ram their agenda through. If the FBI continues to relentlessly and politically target conservatives while ignoring Democrat malfeasance, none of that other stuff is going to matter.

I will be electioneering at the Early Voting locations and I am focusing on School Board and Elected Judge positions.

I am trying to come up with short, sweet slogans I can put on a sign. For School board my candidates – “Did Not Mask Your Children!” And, for the judiciary races – “Republican Judges Make Streets Safer!”

I am looking for suggestions for a slogan about the Economy.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to MattMusson. | September 23, 2022 at 7:41 pm

    The main problem with the progressive program is the side effects of their schemes. Who doesn’t want “equity” or whatever? The problem is the other effects of “from everyone according to their ability; to everyone according to their needs.” Who decides? How do you administer that?

    Those are subtle, complex arguments, that boil down to: “Quit mucking stuff up, trying to “help.”

    Education — Let Children Learn: that’s why we have schools.

    Judges — Keep Citizens Safe: that’s why we have laws.

    Economy — Let Us Live The Lives We Want: that’s why we work.

Sounds good except for the Disneyland part. If Dems call all that “extreme” then we are on the right road.

    henrybowman in reply to Whitewall. | September 23, 2022 at 7:51 pm

    “You have enough money left over to go to Disneyland”
    Run that through the Federation Universal Translator:
    “I’m a California Republican, not a MAGA Republican.”
    These gadgets are great.

Can we add puppies are cute to the list? That’s pretty weak sauce that fits the establishment; broad topics with poll tested buzzwords but little to no specifics.

How about
1. Build wall, interior enforcement and deportation
2. IG reports as basis for Congressional inquiry leading to statutory changes and funding being withdrawn for agencies who fail to respond. Key point there is if x agency wants to be ‘independent’ from Congressional oversight then they can become independent of funding
3. Stop CRT and DEI across all agencies, reverse course
4. End Covid emergency powers, vax mandates, reform to require Congressional approval for emergency lasting beyond 2 weeks, 30 day extension one time. Then Congress must vote on how to proceed.
5. End the post 9/11 security state apparatus; all of it.
6. Go back to last Clinton budget adjusted for inflation as a baseline total. Then make trade-off and set priorities for funding under that total.
7. Stop funding Ukraine, stop deliberately poking Russia in the eye. Focus on the true threat of China

Seems like a good start for a post midterm Congressional majority to enact. The incoming admin in 2025 can set the rest of the priorities during their campaign.

    Olinser in reply to CommoChief. | September 23, 2022 at 5:35 pm

    100%. As I said below, this isn’t a ‘commitment to America’, it’s a plea by McCarthy that he’s totally an actual conservative and deserves to stay in power, without making any actual concrete commitment that he can be held to.

    Paddy M in reply to CommoChief. | September 23, 2022 at 9:14 pm

    Solid list, Chief. I’d add ESG to #3. Also, the WEF’s influence has to be undone. They need to join their fellow commies in the ash heap.

Utterly absent from ANY commitment to ANY of this? Bitch McConnell. Once again.

I am not impressed by this in the slightest. I hear a whole lot of platitudes and not much of an actual plan, and the election is almost here.

This sounds like a plea from McCarthy that he’s REALLY TOTALLY AN ACTUAL CONSERVATIVE and he deserves to still be in power.

I say hell no, he had his chance and has blown it at every turn.

McCarthy and McConnell both need to be kicked to the curb, McConnell in particular.

Just theater to try and fool people. Recall, the R party had both houses and the presidency when Trump was elected. What did they do? Helped the marxist party fight Trump.

    henrybowman in reply to Barry. | September 23, 2022 at 8:04 pm

    Hey, JR:

    “We are barely a month from the midterm elections, and most of the people in the comments section here at LI seem to do nothing but disparage Republicans.”

    And this is why.
    America is a football, and these mooks are Lucy Van Pelt.

    ronk in reply to Barry. | September 23, 2022 at 8:22 pm

    you forgot something, called a filibuster, unless the republicans get at least 60 seat in the senate the democrats and stop the bill, and they would also need now the votes to override a veto, I don’t think the had the seats in the senate to do that then.

      Barry in reply to ronk. | September 23, 2022 at 8:26 pm

      Bullshit. The presidency was held by Trump. No veto.

      As for the filibuster, doesn’t seem to stop the marxist democrats. Why, it’s almost as though the republicans are corrupt marxists as well.

    A House Speaker who not only stepped down in 2018 but persuaded 40 other GOP Congressmen to abandon their posts. And a lot of help the Cocaine Turtle was. All of those endless leaks and stabs in the back… No one did more damage to Trump that the corrupt, entrenched Republican swamp rats.

Those are the right themes; not specific actions, or legislation. You gotta get in to legislate, and you gotta win to get in.

    henrybowman in reply to BierceAmbrose. | September 23, 2022 at 8:06 pm

    Besides, the last time they promised us specific actions and legislation — both of which they could easily have gotten passed with control of both houses — they never even bothered trying to deliver. Even the really minor ones that would have flown through practically unopposed.

      “Repeal Obamacare” they said. Over and over and over. Until they could and then –

      nothing, nada, zilch.

        henrybowman in reply to Barry. | September 24, 2022 at 2:18 am

        Yup. Plus, well, y’all know my hobbyhorses. They promised national carry reciprocity and deregulation of suppressors (“silencers”). They could have delivered those at any time with both hands tied behind their backs. Instead, they shoved both thumbs up their buttholes and then sat on them for two years.

      henry, I repeat my comment to barry

      you forgot something, called a filibuster, unless the republicans get at least 60 seat in the senate the democrats can and will stop the bill, and they would also need now the votes to override a veto, I don’t think the had the seats in the senate to do that then.

        Barry in reply to ronk. | September 24, 2022 at 2:02 am

        You can repeat the same ignorant comment and it will still be ignorant. The republicans had control of the house, senate, and presidency 2016 – 2018 and they did NOTHING. Well, not entirely, they did join the other marxist party and try to get rid of Trump.

        henrybowman in reply to ronk. | September 24, 2022 at 2:20 am

        ‘Wow! We own the House! We own the Senate! But the Democrats might still TRY to stop anything we do, so I guess we’d better not even TRY to START doing anything.”
        Yeah, you go vote for that cuckery if you love it.

        CommoChief in reply to ronk. | September 24, 2022 at 8:52 am

        Will they? How about simply changing the rule to require a speaking filibuster? No more pro forma BS. Require them to stand and hold the floor.

        Subotai Bahadur in reply to ronk. | September 24, 2022 at 5:06 pm

        Did the ever GOPe try to do anything? Did they do anything that would put themselves on the record as to which side they were on? Or which would put the enemy on the record as to which side they were on? Or did they just ignore what they promised once the election was over. And do that repeatedly in election cycle after election cycle.

        It does not take much to figure out that they have a history of lying to us. And it does not take much to figure out that if they can they will lie to us again. And sadly, to figure out the if we continue electorally, that the only alternative to the Left is their friends of the GOP. But that game has about run its course.

        If voting for “a” gets the same actual results as voting for “b” or not voting at all. where is the consent of the governed? With all the implications.

        Subotai Bahadur

    If you elect marxists with an R by their name you don’t get a damn thing but further erosion of freedom and liberty. There is not a nickels worth of difference between many of the R party and the democrats.

    McCarthy is a corrupt to the core california helpmate to the democrats, and supported by a majority of republicans in congress. All you need to know. Same on the senate side with the corrupt CCP owned McConnell.

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am…

Let’s try not to forget the sovereignty of God.

Also, impatience with the messiness of ordinary human existence is the mark of the true totalitarian. This is the defining characteristic of leftism.

    Barry in reply to gibbie. | September 25, 2022 at 4:36 pm

    “Also, impatience with the messiness of ordinary human existence is the mark of the true totalitarian. ”


    I’m impatient, especially with federal bureaucrats and assorted idiots.

    I am for freedom and liberty and hate totalitarians.

    In other words, your comment seems stupid. Maybe I misunderstand it.