UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustrees Won’t Allow Student Govt to Cut Off Funds to Pro-Life Orgs

Mike wrote about the UNC-Chapel Hill student government cutting off funds to pro-life organizations.

Thank goodness the Board of Trustees believes in free speech. From Campus Reform:

Following the Student Government Association president’s attempt to halt funding to pro-life businesses, the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill’s Board of Trustees released a public resolution reaffirming its commitment to viewpoint neutrality.The Board’s July 27 resolution stipulates that mandatory student fees must be distributed to student organizations in a viewpoint-neutral manner.The resolution was passed nearly three weeks after Student Body President Taliajah Vann issued an executive order that declined executive branch funds from being directed to pro-life businesses and organizations.Vann’s order sparked outrage from pro-life activists and legal groups, who alleged it violated students’ First Amendment rights.“[A]s the oldest public university in the nation, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is firmly committed to protecting freedom of expression and freedom of association on campus in order to foster an educational environment with a diversity of viewpoints,” the resolution states.It continued, “[T]he law requires that allocation of student fees to student organizations must be accomplished with viewpoint neutrality as the operational principle in law.”The Board’s resolution will apply to the Undergraduate Student Government and Graduate and Professional Student Government Senates, which carry the power of the purse when directing the use of student activity fees.The Board’s resolution also prompted a second resolution its “commitment to academic freedom” on all UNC campuses.

Tags: Abortion, College Insurrection, Free Speech, North Carolina