U. of West Florida has ‘Vague’ Definition of What is Considered ‘Harmful’ Speech

The University of West Florida has not changed its Student Code of Conduct. We just now realize that it’s definition of “harmful” language could cause free speech issues.

From Campus Reform:

According to the Code, harm punishable by the university can include “[c]onduct that creates an intimidating, intolerable, or offensive campus, educational or working environment for another person, unrelated to the victim’s protected class, if any.”Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) raised concerns regarding UWF’s Code of Conduct in April of 2021. The university’s regulations have not been changed.FIRE’s Director of Policy Reform, Laura Beltz, recently told Campus Reform that the effect of UWF’s policy is that “any person’s subjective view of what is harmful and intolerable or offensive can be punished by the administration.”“That means that if a particularly sensitive person thinks an offensive joke was harmful, the person who made the joke could be punished,” Beltz continued.

Tags: College Insurrection, Florida, Free Speech