There are many explanations and reasons for why the left is so aggressive, capturing institutions like academia and relentlessly driving out anyone who disagrees. There was an important article about this phenomenon in The NY Sun, The Way of the Dodo: Conservative Professors Confront the Future:
The ranks of right-leaning academics are dwindling, as college campuses trend toward ideological homogeneity and some professors are choosing to leave as they lament the failed promises of liberal education in America….Nearly a quarter of American academics favor ousting a colleague for having a so-called wrong opinion about hot-button topics like immigration, according to a recent study from a libertarian think tank, the CATO Institute.Another study, by the Challey Institute for Global Innovation, notes that nearly 70 percent of students believe they should report a professor who says something they deem offensive.
We see this also in a recent survey showing the liberal college students are far more intolerant of conservative students than vice versa:
46% said they would probably/definitely not room with someone who supported the opposing presidential candidate in 2020 (62% of Dems, 28% of GOP)
The reasons are complex, but one that can’t be ignored is that political leftism is like the Wizard of Oz, visible power and strength that does not reflect reality. They control the commanding heights of academia, the culture, and increasingly corporations, but liberalism as a self-identification is falling, particularly among the core-constituency of non-whites.
So finds a recent Morning Consult survey looking not just at the present but at the trend in the past five years, America Has Become Less Liberal, but Not Necessarily More Conservative:
The left is losing the battle for the minds of the American electorate, Morning Consult research shows, with voters decreasingly identifying as liberal in recent years. But that doesn’t mean the country is lurching to the right….The share of the electorate who identifies as “very liberal,” “liberal” or “somewhat liberal” on a seven-point scale has dropped over the past five years, from 34% to 27%, according to extensive annual Morning Consult survey research conducted among more than 8.6 million U.S. voters since 2017.Compared with 2017, the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency, the decline in liberal self-identification has not led to a major increase in conservative alignment, the most prominent ideology in U.S. politics, among the overall electorate. Rather, the proportion of voters who said they were moderate or uncertain about their ideology made up the difference.
Because Democrats are better at wielding and gaining political power, however, the ideological preference for conservatism does not translate directly into Republican votes:
Some Democratic pollsters noted that ideology is not equivalent to vote choice, and indeed, Morning Consult/Politico surveys have shown Democrats with a congressional generic ballot advantage over Republicans with all moderate voters (though independents are more evenly divided). Some have also shaken off the ideological labels entirely, alluding to the intraparty semantic debate over whether Democrats are “liberal” or “progressive.”
Maybe that’s a message to Republicans – in a country where conservatives (45%) are almost double (25%) liberals, conservatism is a winning message.
But there are findings in the Morning Consult poll that also reflect a recent shift among non-whites (“minorities”) towards conservatism. That is consistent with a dramatic shift particularly among Hispanics away from Democrats.
There’s a lesson here.