The Left Always Considered Trump an Illegitimate President

One thing the Mar-A-Lago raid has driven home is that the left believes—and they think much of the general public will agree—that what ordinarily would be allowed to most presidents and ex-presidents is not to be allowed to Trump. That is because they think and have always thought he was an illegitimate president with no right to hold that office.

It doesn’t matter which reasoning they try to use to explain and justify that point of view: he’s too uncouth, he’s stupid, he’s a clown, he’s beneath us, he’s a Russian puppet, he’s a racist, he wears a MAGA hat, he didn’t get the popular vote, Russian disinformation enabled his win.  The bottom line is that they think, or pretend to think, that he wasn’t a real president and shouldn’t be treated as one.

Spy on him. Lie about him. Frame him. Shame him. Do whatever is necessary.

He may have possession of classified documents? Indict him under an act that is virtually never used as a criminal statute (except in rare cases and then involving a misdemeanor) and absolutely never used against a president or ex-president because he really wasn’t a real president. Therefore, he’s not a real ex-president either.

Get a search warrant so general that it allows you to search his entire residence and confiscate every bit of paper you find that has anything to do with his bogus non-presidential “presidential” years. Probable cause? Don’t tell the American people what you cited as the probable cause because the probable cause is actually that the illegitimate Trump deserves no respect and deserves everything bad that’s coming to him.

And they know that half of America will agree and applaud them.

Oh, and the goal was never to get the documents for the documents’ sake. They knew the documents were not at all at risk. The goal was to get evidence to get Trump, period. What was it Schumer said? Oh yeah – and he said it shortly before Trump’s inauguration:

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

Is there any doubt whatsoever that the Mar-A-Lago raid is the intelligence community (and the left) “getting back” at Trump, for the umpteenth time?

Just to take one example of the attitude being expressed by the left, this is from Yahoo News:

One factor that McCord (Mary McCord, national security lawyer under Obama) suggested would be on the minds of DOJ national security lawyers is what Trump might have done with the highly classified material that was still believed to be at Mar-a-Lago. “Are we worried that some of this information would actually be shared outside of Mar-a-Lago, potentially with foreign adversaries? I’d be really concerned about that,” she said.

Yes, we all know how soft Trump was on our foreign adversaries, as opposed to previous tough-guy Obama and current tough-guy Biden. The left keeps peddling this preposterous dreck, the MSM keeps dutifully and uncritically spinning it back to the public, and half the country nods and says, “Yes, that’s just what he was probably going to do.”

A commenter on my blog remarked:

You are watching the Ruling Class lose its collective mind over a man who has not been in office for more than a year and a half, didn’t take his salary when President and likely isn’t drawing a pension. Unless Trump is just a MacGuffin.

Trump isn’t just a MacGuffin, but he is at least partly a symbol. Sarah Palin was a similar symbol before him, but because she never was elected VP, the focus on her faded. Trump would have faded, too, if he had lost the 2016 election. His winning and becoming president was an outrage that can never be forgiven. They could not believe it had happened. They think he must be prevented from ever winning again or ever taking a position of any kind of political power.

Not just Trump, though; any Republican who isn’t part of the genteel NeverTrumper club must never take power. Any Republican who might really be serious about stopping them and especially about draining the so-called swamp cannot have any power. It is a deadly serious game, and they are determined to win.

Trump himself said, and he was correct: “They’re not after me, they’re after you – I’m just in the way.”

[Neo is a writer with degrees in law and family therapy, who blogs at the new neo.]

Tags: Democrats, Donald Trump, Media Bias, Progressives, Trump Derangement Syndrome