Study Finds Diversity and Inclusion Efforts Haven’t Improved Graduation Rates for Students of Color

Were these programs even meant to achieve something, or are they just a form of virtue signalling?

The College Fix reports:

Massive DEI efforts have not increased grad rates for students of color: studyDespite major diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at colleges and universities across the nation, students of color continue to lag behind the national average when it comes to graduation rates.Black, Latino, Native American and Pacific Islander students today “have worse academic outcomes as measured by graduation rates,” according to a new analysis by McKinsey & Company.The analysis also found that, despite Herculean efforts to diversify campuses, 92 percent of colleges fail to represent racial populations among students and faculty that mirror the general population.“For Black and Native American students and for faculty from all underrepresented populations, there was effectively no progress from 2013 to 2020,” the analysis found.At the current rate, the report added, it would take colleges another 70 years to recruit enough students of color for their enrollment to somewhat mirror America’s demographics.What’s more, after factoring out Latino students, for Native American and black students it would take more than “300 years to form a representative student body.”Since 2010, the white population has decreased by 8.6 percent, but the multiracial population has seen a 276 percent increase, U.S. census data show.Similar to the McKinsey findings, according to a report from the Center on Education Data and Policy, from 2003 to 2017 black enrollment at public colleges only increased by 12 percent and Latino enrollment simply doubled. At the same time, white enrollment at American universities still increased as their total population decreased in the country.The Chronicle of Higher Education reported that the McKinsey analysis blamed the achievement gap on “[p]oor-quality K-12 education, selective admissions practices, and a lack of faculty diversity.”Despite the ineffectiveness of DEI initiatives over the past decades, the analysis advised colleges to “reflect on their own racist history and their campus culture, evaluate their student-recruitment strategies, and invest more in diversity efforts, such as expanding dual-enrollment programs, forgiving student debts, and partnering with minority-serving institutions,” the Chronicle reported.

Tags: College Insurrection, Social Justice