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New Environmental Program at UC-Riverside Opened Only to Latino Students

New Environmental Program at UC-Riverside Opened Only to Latino Students

“Latinxs and the Environment: Partnerships to Pave Pathways to the Professoriate”

Why is the academic left so intent on separating people by race? Our goal as a society used to be the opposite of this.

The College Fix reports:

New UC Riverside environmental program aimed only at Latino students

A new program at the University of California Riverside will focus solely on helping Latino students, according to the announcement from the school.

The “Latinxs and the Environment: Partnerships to Pave Pathways to the Professoriate,” funded with $342,000 from the University of California Hispanic Serving Institutions Doctoral Diversity Initiative, is open only to Hispanic students.

“The program has a dual emphasis: encourage and create environmental research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate Latinx students and create new pathways for graduate students to become professors,” UCR officials announced in a news release.

“Many Latinx students tend to be part of communities who experience the most adverse environmental impacts and should be the ones researching and pushing to make changes,” Professor Samantha Ying, the project’s coordinator, stated in the news release.

The initiative “will recruit Latinx students to increase and retain Latinx participation in environmental fields such as environmental science, engineering, policy, justice, health, and law,” Ying stated. This is geared “toward the long-term program objective to increase Latinx graduate students and faculty throughout the UC campuses.”

UC Berkeley currently runs a similar program, according to the campus newspaper.

“[Berkeley Professor Federico] Castillo said he began to [notice] the lack of Hispanic students in his natural resource economics class at UC Berkeley,” UCR reported in its news release. “When he asked other colleagues why Latinx students were not enrolling in similar courses, he received the same responses: ‘they are not interested’ or ‘we don’t have any Latinx students,’” the media announcement stated.


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JackinSilverSpring | August 9, 2022 at 11:14 am

Aren’t there anti-discrimination laws about such things. Also, if William Thompson can claim to be Lia Thompson, why can’t Joe Whitey claim to be Jose Whitey?

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to JackinSilverSpring. | August 9, 2022 at 12:32 pm

    If I were 55 years younger, I would march my red-haired blue-eyed self into the Admissions office and sign up. Let them even TRY to deny my admission and I would sue their asses off. I am Hispanic on my mother’s side, due to her Spanish origins.

      They can’t; just like nobody could question Elizabeth Warren’s fake Indian ancestry.

      Once again, the white leftists have to guide the poor POCs with their benevolent paternalism. Ah, the White Leftist’s Burden!

      Latinos should avoid the alliterative program just because the white guilt leftists insist on calling them “La-tinks.”

    Yes, there are such laws, which is why I’m almost certain that College Fix made up its assertion that this program is violating those laws. There are of course hundreds if not thousands of similar programs at universities all over the USA, none of which violate those laws, so I find it hard to believe that this one is, just because College Fix says so. Especially since College Fix has made the same mistake several times in the past, and has never apologized or corrected itself.

      kyrrat in reply to Milhouse. | August 9, 2022 at 5:59 pm

      Well the linked UCR news release strongly implies it is latinx only.

      “A $342,000 grant will allow more Latinx students at UC Riverside and UC Berkeley to conduct environmental and climate change research. The program has a dual emphasis: encourage and create environmental research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate Latinx students and create new pathways for graduate students to become professors.”

      This is the name of that author/contact: SANDRA BALTAZAR MARTINEZ
      Senior Public Information Officer

      Do I think they could exclude other races from the grant? Sure. If no one challenges them legally. Do I think anyone will legally challenge it? Probably not. As grants go that isn’t huge and won’t create a fuss.

        Milhouse in reply to kyrrat. | August 11, 2022 at 12:42 am

        Nothing in that press release says non-latinxes can’t apply or won’t be accepted. That’s how all these programs run, and how they’re legal. They don’t exclude anyone. Anyone who applies will be considered, and you’ll never prove they were rejected automatically. They might even not be rejected. But they word it so that nobody but their target audience will apply.

      Dimsdale in reply to Milhouse. | August 9, 2022 at 9:23 pm

      I can’t imagine how this is not racial segregation by the university.

      Racism is the preferential or derogatory treatment of people by race. Period.

      MLK Jr. must be spinning in his grave wondering why he sacrificed so much to have it thrown away by the socialists.

        Milhouse in reply to Dimsdale. | August 11, 2022 at 12:43 am

        And the trick is they don’t treat anyone preferentially or derogatorily. They just word everything so that only the people they want to will apply. They don’t “reach out” to other people, but if one wanders in they won’t reject them. At least not where you can see it.

College Fix claims

The “Latinxs and the Environment: Partnerships to Pave Pathways to the Professoriate,” funded with $342,000 from the University of California Hispanic Serving Institutions Doctoral Diversity Initiative, is open only to Hispanic students.

But there is nothing in the press release linked to support this assertion. I am 90% certain this is simply not true. This is far from the first time that College Fix has falsely jumped to the same conclusion, which is why I’m so confident it’s done so again. If you disagree, show me anything from an official source connected to this program that supports CF’s claim. I don’t believe you will find one, no matter how hard you look.

Many Latinx students tend to be part of communities who experience the most adverse environmental impacts

Got any evidence for that?

    Milhouse in reply to randian. | August 11, 2022 at 12:46 am

    “Many” and “tend to” are enough to cover that. Especially since it’s essentially true, because “adverse environmental impacts” are usually in cheaper neighborhoods, where poorer people live. It make no sense to build the things they’re complaining of on prime real estate.