Most Christians who oppose abortion believe that the practice involves killing. The Bible is pretty clear about that.Campus Reform reports:
‘There is no biblical basis for the ban on abortion,’ Yale Divinity School claimsYale Divinity School (YDS) published a pro-abortion statement that opposed the recent Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v. Wade, claiming there is no “biblical basis” for abortion bans.The statement was published on behalf of Dean Gregory Sterling.”There is no biblical basis for the ban on abortion,” the sentence reads in full.Sterling cites Exodus 21:22-25 to suggest that the Bible distinguishes between the life of a child and a fetus.”Simplistic appeals to the biblical traditions are just that, simplistic. Christianity is supportive of human life, but we must work through our traditions with care,” Sterling writes. “It is not at all clear that today’s decision reflects a text like Exodus 21:22–25.”Exodus 21:22 follows the deliverance of the Ten Commandments and outlines Biblical precautions for harming a pregnant woman:
“If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely, but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life.” (NIV)
Sterling argues that the passage does not equate to abortion due to the severity of the punishment, writing, “The only text that deals directly with a fetus is Exodus 21:22–25, and it makes a distinction between the penalty levied on someone who causes a pregnant woman to miscarry versus an injury to the woman herself.”
Sterling believes that the overturning of Roe v. Wade does not “promote life,” but instead flaunts”political agendas.”
“There are millions of American women who feel violated by today’s decision. They understand that this is not only a decision about abortion, but about women’s rights,” he writes. “The decision is a step backward for human rights.”
YDS is a graduate branch of Yale University and claims to prepare its students to ordain Christian ministry.