U.S. Army Boots over 60,000 National Guard and Reservists Who Remain Unvaccinated from Covid

In one of the most ridiculous moves made by our government in its history, over 60,000 Army National Guard and Reservists will be barred from service for refusing to get vaccinated against covid due to the clearly useless mandate issued by the Biden administration.

Roughly 40,000 National Guardsmen and 22,000 Reservists will be barred from service for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19, the US Army announced Friday.The decision effectively cuts off pay and benefits to the combined 62,000 service members and prohibits them from participating in training.“Soldiers who refuse the vaccination order without an approved or pending exemption request are subject to adverse administrative actions, including flags, bars to service, and official reprimands,” an Army spokesperson said in a statement to Military.com.The Guardsmen and Reservists had until last Thursday to receive the vaccine. The deadline was the latest of all the armed services, which required members to get vaccinated last year, according to the outlet.If the soldiers continue to refuse the vaccination requirement without a valid medical or religious exemption, they could face further action including “separation” or mandatory discharge.Part-time service members who have pending exemption cases can continue to participate in training exercises and collect pay and benefits. However, the Army has approved very few medical exemptions and religious exemptions to date, Military.com reported.

At this point, it is quite clear the vaccines are stopping neither the transmission of the virus nor infections with it. Many notably vaccinated and boosted officials have had covid (Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, to name a just a few).

With breakthrough covid cases commonplace, experts are now readjusting expectations about ‘vaccine efficacy.

Experts say current vaccines are still doing their most important job – dramatically reducing people’s risk of severe illness and death. But they are no longer hopeful vaccines will stop the virus in its tracks, now that it’s clear vaccinated people can develop mild disease and transmit illness to others.The astoundingly high levels of protection against infection that was initially observed, especially for the mRNA vaccines, created by Pfizer and Moderna, have largely dissipated, especially for those with one or two doses combined with extremely transmissible variants.

Young and healthy adults in good physical shape are at low risk for severe covid effects and no amount of vaccination will prevent anyone from getting covid.

In fact, currently at least 60% of the American population has contracted covid in one of its many variants.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted Austin for this move.

Pompeo said the military is already facing recruitment problems under Austin, a former Raytheon executive and retired general.Previously having condemned the “wokeness” shift under Austin, Pompeo added the latest situation could lead to a mathematical 10-15% reduction in National Guardsmen.”This is really dangerous. I assure you that Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin aren’t worried about the vaccines. They’re worried about making their militaries more capable,” he said.”We should be focused on the same thing. There’s a real risk to readiness, a real risk to making sure that we have units that are capable of deploying should something be required of them.”He added that the vaccine mandate isn’t based on science and “makes no sense” at this point.Pompeo said Biden’s successor should reinstate every guardsmen cut or effectively rubber-roomed by this administration.

Bitterly clinging to the useless vaccine mandate is the type of inane, virtue-signalling, America Last move that is totally on brand for the Biden administration.

Tags: Biden Administration, Military, National Security, Wuhan Coronavirus