State Dept. Offering $10 Million ‘for Information on Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections’

The midterms happen in November. People expect a huge red wave.

So weird that the State Department has offered up to $10 million for any information on foreign interference in our elections:

The reward offer seeks information leading to the identification or location of any foreign person or entity who knowingly engaged or is engaging in foreign election interference. The reward offer also seeks information leading to the prevention, frustration, or favorable resolution of an act of foreign election interference, including by dismantling, in whole or significant part, an organization engaged in such activity.Foreign election interference includes activity by a foreign person that violates federal criminal, voting rights, or campaign finance law, or such activity that is performed by any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of, or in coordination with, a foreign government or criminal enterprise with the specific intent to interfere in U.S. elections.

The State Department said U.S. elections, which means it applies to all elections in the country:

Among other things, the reward offer seeks information on any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful act or attempted act, or the knowing use of information acquired by theft undertaken with the specific intent to significantly influence voters, undermine public confidence in election processes or institutions, or influence, undermine confidence in, or alter the result or reported result of a general or primary federal, State, or local election or caucus. Such activity could include:

Russia, Russia, Russia! Right? Because if the Republicans win a lot of races at all levels it has to be interference.

Tags: 2022 Elections, State Department