Some Students Reportedly ‘Scared’ to Attend College in Red States After Roe Decision
“Committed to attending Oberlin in the fall, Rosenfeld started talking to friends about what she would do if she needed an abortion”

This is straight out of the campus progressive playbook. I’m not getting my way, so I don’t feel safe.
From Vice News:
‘It’s Scary’: Students Fear Going to College in Red States After Roe
When Sasha Rosenfeld walked onto the bucolic campus of Oberlin College in April, she immediately felt a strong connection to the place. It was her final college tour, and the 17-year-old high school senior from New Jersey felt its tradition of activism and service was a perfect fit.
Even its location in northern Ohio, a purple state, was an appealing place to get involved in politics.
“I really loved the community, the activism, the Judaism on campus, the social and academic life really felt right,” Rosenfeld said. “By the time I got home, something in me just knew that it was the right fit for me.”
But that was before the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, ending the nearly 50-year-old constitutional right to an abortion nationwide. The same day, a federal court judge lifted an injunction that had blocked a 2019 Ohio law that bans abortions after six weeks, or when fetal cardiac activity is detected. The ACLU filed suit to block the ban, but it seems likely that in the wake of Roe, Ohio will severely restrict abortion or ban it altogether.
When she heard the news, she started to cry. “I’m not a big crier,” she said. “But this type of thing, rightfully, makes me very depressed.”
Committed to attending Oberlin in the fall, Rosenfeld started talking to friends about what she would do if she needed an abortion and couldn’t access care at college. One of her friends who lives 300 miles away in Chicago offered to pick her up and drive her out of the state if she ever needed the procedure.
“If I got pregnant—no question about it—at this point in my life, I would take Plan B [or] get an abortion,” she said.

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Well, first of all, any financial aid she was counting on might not exist by this Fall. I guess she didn’t get the “get woke, go broke” memo. Second, with the large homosexual population on campus, her chances of getting laid, let alone knocked up, are pretty low. A guy has a better chance of getting Monkeypox at Oberlin than a woman has of getting preggo these days. But then, given how whacky the Oberlin women are these days, I wonder if there aren’t some who undergo AI only so that they can join the ranks of those who have gotten an abortion.
FWIW, I think it would be best if she just stayed in New Jersey and tried to fix the problems there. Both states would end up better off in the long run.
“Some Students Reportedly ‘Scared’ to Attend College in Red States After Roe Decision”
Anything that stops wokery from overrunning every college in America is fine by me.
Oberlin’s already long gone.
But maybe some of the existing students might get “scared” enough to leave.
I suppose the simple tactic of keeping her knees together has never occurred to this 403.
Excellent. States are starting to mean something again. There’s a reason we didn’t call them provinces.
Blue people can go to blue states, red people to red states, win-win.
The actual problem is the blue administration and teachers in red state colleges and universities.
The Judaism at Oberlin? I think Ms. Rosenfeld is mistaking the presence of Jews for the presence of Judaism. I would bet most of the Jews at Oberlin are Jew by an accident of birth, not a commitment to any form of Judaism.
How did “Jews” get into this discussion? Though I agree with your remark about “accident of birth”. And a Jewish-sounding family name is insufficient reason to assume actual membership in the tribe, since Judaism identifies the affiliation of the child to the mother, not to the father who (by Western conventions) passes on the family name.
> Scared to Attend College in Red States
Good! Lower the ratio of amoral, wild-eyed activists to grounded, serious students less likely to engage in behavior that leads to the desire for an abortion. Maybe some of the woke, trash-professing professors can be scared away for the same reason?