Prof in Australia Claims Climate Change is ‘White Colonization of the Atmosphere’
“[M]ost rich white countries, including Australia, are doing precious little to properly address this inequity”

Is there anything that the academic left can’t make about race?
The College Fix reports:
Professor: Climate change is ‘white colonization of the atmosphere’
White people are at it again — this time they’re “colonizing the atmosphere,” according to an Australian professor.
Erin Fitz-Henry, who teaches anthropology and “development studies” at the University of Melbourne, writes in The Conversation that the notion of climate change being “racist” actually isn’t new; the medical journal The Lancet noted that as of 2015, the countries of the “Global North” accounted for 92 percent of “excess” CO2 emissions.
And the Global North is overwhelmingly white.
Of course, the term “colonization,” very popular in the realm of critical studies, makes it all sound much more dramatic.
“[M]ost rich white countries, including Australia, are doing precious little to properly address this inequity,” Fitz-Henry writes. “For the most part, they refuse to accept the climate debt they owe to poorer countries and communities […] this injustice – a type of ‘atmospheric colonisation’ – is a form of deeply entrenched colonial racism that arguably represents the most pressing global equity issue of our time.”
Fitz-Henry says a global temperature increase of two degrees Celsius would threaten over 50 percent of Africa with “undernourishment” — despite the continent contributing very little to global warming.
MORE: University students say science should be ‘scratched’ — because ‘colonization and racism’
[R]ich white countries continue to distance themselves from all language of compensation or reparation for both historic and contemporary emissions.
This refusal continues long histories of European racism, including the deeply racialised processes of large-scale extraction that fuelled and sustained the Industrial Revolution from the outset.
Sugar plantations throughout the Caribbean were worked for generations by Africans who were enslaved, generating massive profits for Europeans that were then invested and reinvested in energy-intensive industrial infrastructure. This infrastructure helped fuel the global emissions that remain in the atmosphere today.

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Brilliant analysis, Professor. Now do China.
Ignorant acadamican. If you ar talking about the Global North, that has to include China. Are they considered to be “white?”.
Any time it suits them.
Just like Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Enrique Tarrio, and George Zimmerman.
Fitz-Henry is a “Senior Lecturer In Social & Cultural Anthropology,
Social and Political Sciences”
As such, he is not a climate scientist and cannot comment on reality, just contrived social issues.
If non biologists are not permitted to define a women, then he cannot define climate change.
He is a soft scientist, in more ways than one. The systemic racism originates in Fitz-Henry and his ilk
Fitz-Henry has found his schtick. It’s asinine and has lots of holes in it. Some people even more asinine than he is will eat it up and have protests about it. The news media, always looking for something—anything—to sell ads, will cover it with a great pretense of seriousness.
And the rest of us will clean the paper at the bottom of his cage every week or so.
This would be academic lacks any expertise on any of the issues he purports to discuss
This ‘climate scientist’ is insane.
Many people confuse insane and stupid. Quick, Henry—the Fitz! sounds a lot more like stupid.
More like someone braying at the wind. So, insane.
Always complaining about slavery by Europeans while ignoring the far more vast enslavement campaigns in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia by Muslim conquerors.
I think these looney professors concoct this nonsense to attempt to maintain relevancy in the woke establishment.
I submit that the per capita rate of Affirmative incompetents is higher than any other group, but there is no shortage of dimwitted degreed people of other races. While the per capita rate is lower for other races, their absolute numbers are are likely greater.
Erin Fitz-Henry appears to be your classic Leftist. She got her PhD from Princeton University – meaning she’s likely American, but found a job at what is likely one of Australia’s most radical Far Left universities and hasn’t moved since getting her lifetime government job. She teaches “… political anthropology, the anthropology of religion, and development studies” plus is researching the rights of nature in Ecuador, America, and Australia.
I guess she’s eager to blame Whites for all the evils in the world, and will likely refuse to acknowledge the fact China produces roughly a third of all global emissions, that India, Russia, and Japan are #3-#5 for emissions, and between them they comprise roughly 45% of all global emissions. Instead she’d rather blame Australia which contributes about 1% of the total, and at 135th out of 184 countries, places just below Kyrgyzstan for emissions per square mile. Can’t let reality interfere with ideology after all!