NYPD Searching for Three Women Accused of Beating a Grandma While Shouting Anti-White Statements
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NYPD Searching for Three Women Accused of Beating a Grandma While Shouting Anti-White Statements

NYPD Searching for Three Women Accused of Beating a Grandma While Shouting Anti-White Statements

“Before they hit me, the girl with the green hair said, ‘You probably like Trump! Don’t you?’”

The NYPD is searching for three women who allegedly beat a woman on a bus while shouting anti-white statements.

Jill LeCroix, 57, has three children and five grandchildren. Her three children are biracial.

The victim also said the women accused her of being a Trump fan:

Jill LeCroix, a 57-year-old grandma of five, was left bleeding after she was blitzed by three black women July 9 while riding the city bus — an attack now being investigated by the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force.

“Before they hit me, the girl with the green hair said, ‘You probably like Trump! Don’t you?’ LeCroix recalled. “I said, ‘I love him.’ I didn’t see which one hit me first.

“The one with the green hair, she was saying she hates white people, the way they talk, hates white skin, the way their skin cracks. Saying she was gangsta,” said the bartender, who was headed to visit her mother at the time.

“I was the only white person on the bus. By the time we started passing St. John’s Cemetery on Woodhaven, she started in on me, saying, ‘That’s where I’m going to bury you!’

“She had a bag from Bath and Body Works, and she took out a scrub and said she was going to beat me with it. It was tangerine,” LeCroix said. “She said, ‘You’re going to get what you deserve! All white people are going to get what they deserve.’ It was crazy.”

The doctors needed to close LaCroix’s wound with three staples:

“I didn’t even know” how bad the wound was, she said. “They sat me down on the bus, and one of the passengers said, ‘Uh, oh, you’re bleeding pretty bad.”

LeCroix was on a southbound Q53 bus at Jamaica Avenue and Woodhaven Boulevard at the time. Cops put out video of her suspected attackers, including one with bright-green hair.

The victim estimates that the three suspects were in their late teens to early 20s.

“The one with the green hair was the mouth, but they were looking for trouble,” LeCroix said. “When they got on the back door of the bus, they were laughing, and the one with the pink hair said, ‘Yeah, I kicked that baby stroller!’ ”


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Russ from Winterset | July 18, 2022 at 11:07 am

The black faces of white supremacy?

    Where do young people who come from families that tolerate them acting like animals get the money to do all this shopping?

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Russ from Winterset. | July 18, 2022 at 5:42 pm

    When slaves first arrived in America, they were for the most part not smart enough to resent their limitations, today they are smart enough to resent thier dullness. There are a small percentage who are smart enough to effectively compete, but there are not enough of them to improve the collective culture.

    Imprisonment has not been very effective, I submit we should start using corporal punishment for all young offenders, regardless of race, perhaps stocks, naked to enhance their humilation, and caning or whipping/caning for repeat offences.

    My father was a high school teacher. The way he handled misbehavior was to humilate the offender in ways which cause the other children to laugh at them. It was very effective.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to JohnSmith100. | July 18, 2022 at 7:00 pm

      One extra step: print their names and picture in the newspaper. None of this “but, they are only juveniles!” stuff. You’re only 12 but have the guts to rob a liquor store at gunpoint, or beat some poor bastard to death with a traffic cone, you are adult enough to stand up to the consequences.

      rscalzo in reply to JohnSmith100. | July 19, 2022 at 9:01 am

      Adams won ‘t try too gard to find them.

I gonna guess that none of the three ever made it through Algebra 1 despite the 000s of thousands spent of “educating” them.

A problem between the races or a problem race?

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to fscarn. | July 18, 2022 at 11:18 am

    A problem race. In general, I’m sick to death of them. My view is only tempered by knowing, or knowing of, good to great ones.

      CommoChief in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | July 18, 2022 at 11:25 am

      More a problem of culture than race. These attitudes of entitlement coupled with predatory behavior are becoming pervasive across society. The d/prog soft on crime policies enable these idiots to act out the woke CRT BS they learned in school. A sort of hands on, DIY approach to ‘social justice’.

        Dimsdale in reply to CommoChief. | July 18, 2022 at 1:07 pm

        Agreed. It is cultural, not racial. Blacks from the Caribbean, Africa and other places are hard working and really nice people. It is the U.S. blacks, instilled with the BLM/CRT/DIE mindset, that are hostile, argumentative and violent like these three stooges (my apologies to Moe, Larry and Curly. And Shemp. But never Joe or Curley Joe).

        That said, how hard will it be to find these three freakshows?

          The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Dimsdale. | July 18, 2022 at 3:05 pm

          “Blacks from the Caribbean, Africa and other places are hard working and really nice people.”

          What becomes of the succeeding generations?

          henrybowman in reply to Dimsdale. | July 18, 2022 at 3:25 pm

          Same as it always was.
          Hardworking Cuban escapes Castro, comes to Florida, becomes successful technology attorney.
          His daughter shaves her head, dates chicks, raises her fist, and demands we all give up our guns.

          JohnSmith100 in reply to Dimsdale. | July 18, 2022 at 5:56 pm

          If those children are raised in the hood, they adopt the shit cultutre.

        Peabody in reply to CommoChief. | July 18, 2022 at 3:03 pm

        Doesn’t matter. The die is cast. The poor grandmother who was attacked by three violent white-hating black women still will not be allowed to wear a pin than says, “White Lives Matter.”

          The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Peabody. | July 18, 2022 at 3:07 pm

          She WOUKD be “allowed” if whites stopped cringing and fought back.

          More and more, much as it hurts me to say this, I’m beginning to think the things like sundown laws and segregated facilities were a good idea. Again, I don’t like thinking this way but the obvious soon makes itself apparent.

          CommoChief in reply to Peabody. | July 18, 2022 at 5:51 pm

          Why would anyone want to wear a pin that stated one group mattered which excludes everyone else and implicitly prioritizes that single group?

          The answer to racism isn’t to try and out racist a bunch of professional racists.

          The better question is why she choose to continue to reside in a city where such attacks take place. Is a job that important? Access to ‘cultural attractions’? The social cachet that comes with a particular address?

          Peabody in reply to Peabody. | July 18, 2022 at 6:59 pm

          in reply to CommoChief

          “Why would anyone want to wear a pin that stated one group mattered which excludes everyone else and implicitly prioritizes that single group?”

          That’s my point, Chief. Who would? I don’t know, but its being done. By only one race of people. And no one else is allowed to do it.

          I don’t know any white person who would want to do it. I sure wouldn’t. And I don’t think the old white grandma would either.

          Do you not see the conundrum here? The very people who proclaim their lives matter want to hurt old white people as if their lives do not matter. And they would be highly upset if an old white person dared to say, “My life matters”.

          CommoChief in reply to Peabody. | July 18, 2022 at 7:57 pm


          There is a world of difference between ‘wanting to do a thing’ and ‘being allowed to do a thing’.

          Some individuals do support tribalism and seek to harm those who aren’t a member of their tribe. Others don’t. These self appointed bullying thugs are no more a representative of the average member of their self proclaimed tribe than some cracker punk tweaking on meth represents me.

          If one resides or works in an area where a confrontation with aggressive criminals of any description is likely then it’s time to consider a change of location. That’s not a conundrum.

          JohnSmith100 in reply to Peabody. | July 19, 2022 at 4:36 pm

          The answer to dealing with a group of bald faced rcists is to take away any race based perks they enjoy. In fact, as currenty applied, Affirmative Action is racism on a grander scale than anything done with slaves.


    CellarDoor in reply to fscarn. | July 19, 2022 at 11:52 am

    Adam’s hates white people too. He called White cops “crackers” on video while raising funds for his campaign. The media tried to hide it.

The Gentle Grizzly | July 18, 2022 at 11:19 am

I’m sure that if caught, they will be treated with kid gloves.

“Why would ANYONE need a gun?” cried useful-idiots everywhere.

    Martin in reply to Paul. | July 18, 2022 at 12:17 pm

    Had she a weapon and injured or killed her attackers she would be bankrupted by the evil anti-self-defense prosecution she would face. The man from the bodega may yet avoid prosecution but he has video to back him up. The powers that be do not intend that law abiding people be allowed to put down the monsters they are unleashing against us.

      Martin in reply to Martin. | July 18, 2022 at 12:18 pm

      left off bankrupted would be the minimum. They would prefer to put her in a prison so the monsters can finish the job they started.

      Paul in reply to Martin. | July 18, 2022 at 1:53 pm

      Oh no doubt you are correct. The useful-idiots have infested the ranks of the government and “public servants” to a startling degree.

      But I raise the point to remind everyone what “gun control” really means. It means that the old and the weak will be targeted by thugs like this with virtual impunity.

      THAT is the real cost of gun control and the Marxists push this for a reason; to make you get on your knees in front of them and beg the “government” for protection.

      CellarDoor in reply to Martin. | July 19, 2022 at 11:53 am

      If you touch them or look at them wrong YOU will be accused of the things they do. It will be turned on you. Wake up

pawpawrick@yahoo.com | July 18, 2022 at 12:00 pm

Nothing will happen to these three. Only white people can be charged with hate crimes. Gangs of blacks beating up an elderly white person is a form of sport for them.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to pawpawrick@yahoo.com. | July 18, 2022 at 12:40 pm

    There is no such thing as a “hate crime”. These three dirtbags should just be charged with the crime they committed – assault and battery, maybe attempted murder (seeing how old the victim was) and some other charges … but there is no “hate crime”. There’s just crime.

      This was a hate crime.

      The woman who was attacked was the only white person on the bus. If she had been black she would not have attacked and thus we would not be talking about it.

      But we know one of the attackers said that she hates white skin. The black girl said to the old white lady, ‘You’re going to get what you deserve! All white people are going to get what they deserve.’

      The motivation for the crime was hatred of white people and this white old woman was attacked solely because she was white.

        ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Peabody. | July 18, 2022 at 7:03 pm

        There was a crime – assault and battery, perhaps other charges as I noted. The feeling of the perpetrators had nothing to do with it, There is NO SUCH THING as a “hate crime”. Crime is crime. I don’t care if the person trying to murder me loves me or hates me – though the fact is that the most insidious and destabilizing sort of crime in a society is truly random, unpredictable crime.

        Assault and battery is assault and battery. Period. We don’t do “thought crime”. No one should.

          Hate crimes is thoughtcrime.
          If the way you think makes a difference in how you are punished for a crime, then the law says that your thoughts in themselves can be criminal. Thoughtcrime, plain and simple.

        CellarDoor in reply to Peabody. | July 19, 2022 at 11:54 am

        It is a HATE crime. If this woman was Jewish it would of been labelled as such . It’s aHARE crime because she openly said she hates WHItE people. You’re cope isn’t real life.

      The victim is a 57-yr old bartender. That doesn’t excuse any of this, but I doubt there would be additional charges or a sentence enhancement due to her age.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to pawpawrick@yahoo.com. | July 18, 2022 at 12:57 pm

    Then, it is time to do what ethnic communities used to do: administer their own justice. You didn’t mess with people in the Jewish neighborhoods of 1890s New York or Chicago. Back then, the cops didn’t do anything either, so, men patrolled in pairs, and took care of things.

    Those times need to return.

      “Then, it is time to do what ethnic communities used to do:”
      Still going on with “The Community” taking care of their own problems. Don’t remember exact percentages but recently read about Homicides in Chicago. Case closure, the Police having identified the probable perpetrator, is less than 30%(?). About 50% of those people turn up dead and a significant number of the ones still alive plea deal or are not charged by the prosecutor. Appears that the extra judicial justice system in Chicago is doing a better job of removing violent persons from the streets.

        CellarDoor in reply to SHV. | July 19, 2022 at 11:56 am

        Nice try. Jews own the media and European Americans don’t get the same courtesies. We aren’t allowed to fight back. The media would make White Americans the perpetrator.

      Years ago, the Mafia in Brooklyn or other Italian communities took care of those who attacked the wrong people (or even churches).

    Only white people can be charged with hate crimes.

    That is just not true. Not just in principle, but in practice. Ever since such laws were first enacted about 30 years ago, black people have routinely been charged with them. If you didn’t know that you have just not been paying attention.

    There is no such thing as a “hate crime”. These three dirtbags should just be charged with the crime they committed – assault and battery, maybe attempted murder (seeing how old the victim was) and some other charges … but there is no “hate crime”. There’s just crime.

    Yes, there is such a thing as a hate crime. Any crime that is motivated by the victim’s actual or perceived membership in some category that is specified in that state’s law is a hate crime. That’s been the law in most states for decades now.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | July 18, 2022 at 7:07 pm

      Yes, there is such a thing as a hate crime. Any crime that is motivated by the victim’s actual or perceived membership in some category that is specified in that state’s law is a hate crime. That’s been the law in most states for decades now.

      So what? It’s bullshit. Lots of states claim that boys can become girls just by clicking their heels and saying “‘m a pretty girl”, too, But the fact is that a boy can never become a girl, no matter what he does or what he cuts off. He can only ever pretend to be a girl.

      Hate crime laws are un-Constitutional bullshit. There is no such thing as a “hate crime”. That is a thought crime and it is a very un-American concept.

      Anyone who thinks that identical physical beatings are different based on what the perp thinks of you is a moron.

        Absolutely correct! An attack is an attack, regardless of motivation.

          Gosport in reply to Mr Moist. | July 19, 2022 at 12:04 am

          “Hate Crime” is a sentencing enhancement mechanism, not a crime in and of itself.

          Similar to how killing someone can be charged and penalized differently depending on the degree of premeditation, intent, and/or malice.

          ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Mr Moist. | July 19, 2022 at 3:37 am

          Replying to GoSport (there is no “reply” button on his comment):

          Similar to how killing someone can be charged and penalized differently depending on the degree of premeditation, intent, and/or malice.

          It is a perversion of those basic concepts. This is what the left does – they take normal concepts and then distort them and pervert them into something completely different. This is how the concept of “the mother’s health” in abortions got whittled down to whether the pregnant woman felt bad. The left abused the term “mental health” in order to abuse that exception and pervert the whole process.

          Yes, it matters if the person intentionally attacked me or if he tripped and fell on me. It depends on whether he is trying to kill me or not. But if he intentionally is attacking me then it DOES NOT matter whether he hates me, loves me, is attacking me because he doesn’t like my shoes, or whatever. His feelings about me are irrelevant. The crime is only concerned with his intent to cause damage, what damage he is trying to cause, and what damage he does cause.

          The idea that someone punching me because I’m white is any worse than someone punching me for no reason at all, completely randomly, is utterly ridiculous. The punch is the crime and it is the same punch no matter what the perp’s feelings about me are.

        JackinSilverSpring in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | July 19, 2022 at 2:14 pm

        Agree wholeheartedly. Criminal assault is assault irrespective of what the perp was thinking.

I am curious if the Queens DA is controlled by Soros, which would mean the perps just walk.

Hate Crime! So who is the racist here??

Gosh, someone should use their position of authority to wave their magic wand and make it all disappear. Heaven forbid mentioning that the 2A would have been an excellent deterrant for this crime which will only increase in frequency thanks to an emboldened criminal that knows the media is on his side and against my Constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and of self-defense.
Who gets the unknowing muzzle?

E Howard Hunt | July 18, 2022 at 12:20 pm

Something doesn’t add up. All of the blacks I see, non-stop, on TV commercials and programming are brilliant, urbane, successful and peace loving. Ford has decided that the perfect representative owner of a $100,000 Lincoln SUV is a black girl in her twenties.

    scooterjay in reply to E Howard Hunt. | July 18, 2022 at 12:23 pm

    Just don’t utilize your cwp when they attack you.
    Lay there and take the whipping you deserve……boy that rankles my ire almost as much as being silenced for stating Constitutional rights that are expressed by the individual exactly as the writers intended.

    Dimsdale in reply to E Howard Hunt. | July 18, 2022 at 1:10 pm

    Hey! They turned my childhood hero, Tom Swift, into a black man.

    Is there no depth to which they will not descend?

      henrybowman in reply to Dimsdale. | July 18, 2022 at 3:29 pm

      I bet that series sets a CW record for most immediately tuned out.
      In this household, it was a tossup between Ton Swift and the woke Roswell reboot.

    MajorWood in reply to E Howard Hunt. | July 18, 2022 at 1:15 pm

    Well, to be fair, she is the girlfriend of a drug dealer.

Any bets on whether hate crime charges get filed?

Steven Brizel | July 18, 2022 at 1:07 pm

These three thugs won’t be arrested or prosecuted even in Queens where the DA is not a Soros puppet

The other passengers on the bus did nothing to intervene?

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to MrE. | July 18, 2022 at 2:57 pm

    They clearly remember their school days: fight back against a bully and you were in as much trouble AS the bully. It was drilled into their heads that punishment awaited.

    Have this happen in a red or even reddish stare, some help likely would have been forthcoming.

    Other things to consider: if the other passengers were black, they won’t come to the rescue of some “white bitch”. If the others were both black and white and helpbwas rendered, there’d have been a bloodbath and a lot of whites arrested.

      Is it too much to dream for the day that a wrong is confronted for simply being wrong? That people will stand up to that kind of crap regardless of color / political leaning?

        The Gentle Grizzly in reply to MrE. | July 18, 2022 at 9:58 pm

        We’ve had such a wedge driven into our sense of unity that I think we’re past that.

    Eric R. in reply to MrE. | July 18, 2022 at 6:05 pm

    Black passengers are not going to save a white person. The real surprise is that at least a couple of others didn’t join in the beating.

Another triumph of woke education

henrybowman | July 18, 2022 at 3:08 pm

Too bad Dian Fossey is no longer with us.
I know she’d be thrilled to study one with green fur.

If obongo had three more daughters….

Subotai Bahadur | July 18, 2022 at 4:42 pm

The police will somehow not be able to find the assailants. If by some chance they are turned in by someone so that the police have to take notice, this is Democrat New York City. No group of black females will ever be prosecuted there for attacking a white grandmother. It is what it is.

Subotai Bahadur

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | July 18, 2022 at 5:00 pm

    See above about citizen administered justice. With some luck the white lady has an extended family, or some good friends who aren’t afraid to act.

    Eric R. in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | July 18, 2022 at 6:03 pm

    Mayor Adams, who has been a race-baiter since his police days leading the group “100 Blacks in Law Enforcement” will probably honor these three women. He wants white people – or at least all those who are not Progressive/Socialist/Marxist – out of the city.

      randian in reply to Eric R.. | July 19, 2022 at 12:01 am

      He wants white people out of the city

      Then white people should honor his request. The total collapse of the tax base would turn NYC into Detroit, which will naturally be blamed on “white flight”, but NYC would nevertheless deserve it.

My opinion is BLM and Marxists pushing white racism is taking hold in the urban community and they are acting out on it. As well as big city DA’s are not following through switch criminals as well as police departments are dwindling.
It’s going to get worse.

Do you think any jury in NYC would convict these three? There would have to be blacks on the jury, and almost to a person, I venture black jurors consider these three women heroes for fighting racism.

    Milhouse in reply to Eric R.. | July 18, 2022 at 6:04 pm

    Yes, many Queens juries would be perfectly willing to convict them. Most black people, especially those with no criminal record themselves (which would exclude them from a jury) don’t like criminals either.

      Eric R. in reply to Milhouse. | July 19, 2022 at 6:36 am

      Milhouse – maybe if you can seat Caribbean or West African immigrants as blacks on the jury, maybe. But native born ones either sympathize with these attackers, or are afraid of those who sympathize with them. If they convicted, black radicals/militants would hunt them down and probably kill them. And the police would do nothing. You know it.

      lichau in reply to Milhouse. | July 19, 2022 at 11:16 am

      I don’t know if it is most–which I fear–but certainly many blacks do not consider these “girls” guilty of much of anything–since the victim was white. Something akin to jaywalking.

      Odds are pretty good that somehow the NYPD can’t seem to find these miscreants. If they do, the odds are even higher that no serious crimes will be charged.

      Now, change colors? Wholly crxp. Full on Jan 6 treatment.

I am sure they are looking as hard for these 3 as they are the people attacking the crisis pregnancy centers.

That aint no woman, that’s my wife.

“Racists Wanted for Perpetrating Hate Crime”

Fixed that headline for you.

A Punk Named Yunk | July 19, 2022 at 10:19 am

How hard can it be to locate a green-haired, slut? (based on her choice of garb) Come on! You have surveillance all over the city; you can track them back to their homes once you see where they boarded the bus (at the back, without paying a fare)

LukeHandCool | July 19, 2022 at 3:49 pm

I just had a report at work a couple days ago of a 25-year-old black woman assaulting a 23-year-old fast food worker for getting her order wrong.

There is currently a sizeable subculture of the black community that is completely dysfunctional and increasingly violent towards others, especially others of a different race. Their sense of entitlement and constant vigilance for perceived slights and “disrespect” ensures they are in combative mode whenever they’re in public. I wish it weren’t so, but that is reality. The media and advertisers can pretend otherwise, but all that does is feed their sense of entitlement.