The New York Times has finally taken a moment to recognize the stunning victory of Texas Republican Mayra Flores.
Naturally, they had to do it in their own special way.
They couldn’t just celebrate her win because, despite the fact that she’s a Hispanic woman, to the NY Times, she is a Republican first and foremost.
That means she has to be presented in a certain light.
Jennifer Medina writes in the NY Times:
The Rise of the Far-Right LatinaFor years, Texas Republicans tried to win the Hispanic vote using a Bush-era brand of compassionate conservatism. The idea was that a moderate’s touch and a softer rhetoric on immigration were key to making inroads with Hispanic voters, particularly in Democratic strongholds along the southern border.Such was the Texas of old. The Trump age has given rise to a new brand of Texas Republicans, one of whom is already walking the halls of Congress: the far-right Latina.Representative Mayra Flores became the first Republican to represent the Rio Grande Valley in more than a century after she won a special election last month and flipped the congressional seat from blue to red. She also became the first Latina Republican ever sent by Texas to Congress. Her abbreviated term lasts only through the end of the year, and she is seen as a long shot to win re-election to a full one.But what is most striking is that Ms. Flores won by shunning moderates, embracing the far right and wearing her support for Donald J. Trump on her sleeve — more Marjorie Taylor Greene than Kay Bailey Hutchison.Her campaign slogan — “God, family, country” — was meant to appeal to what she calls the “traditional values” of her majority-Hispanic district in the border city of Brownsville. She called for President Biden’s impeachment. She tweeted QAnon hashtags. And she called the Democratic Party the “greatest threat America faces.”
The term “far-right” was used twice in the first four paragraphs. Here’s a question:
And an observation:
Flores has responded to the Times piece. FOX News reports:
Mayra Flores fires back after New York Times calls her ‘far-right Latina’: Paper knows ‘nothing about me’Rep. Mayra Flores, R-Texas, hit back at a New York Times article referring to her as a “far-right Latina,” saying the newspaper “knows nothing about me or our culture.””I am proud of my culture and my beautiful family,” Flores told Fox News Digital in a text.”I was born in Burgos, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and raised with strong Conservative values to always put God and Family first. I have received only hate from the liberal media and constantly [been] told by the left to back to Mexico. They don’t support us immigrants, they only use us for political power and don’t care about our well-being. I am here now and I won’t allow them to continue taking advantage of my people. The NYT knows nothing about me or our culture. Somos gente de Dios, Familia y Travajo [We are people of God, Family and Work], Si Señor!” she wrote.
The New York Times probably feels threatened by people like Mayra Flores and frankly, they should.