Christian Students Win Free Expression Case at University of Idaho

Mainstream Christian views are becoming unacceptable in some corners of higher education.

The College Fix reports:

Judge rules in favor of Christian students punished by University of IdahoA federal judge ruled in favor of three Christian law students at the University of Idaho.Judge David Nye granted a preliminary injunction on June 30 against the public university law school and ordered it to stop its no-contact orders against the three students.The ruling stems from an ongoing lawsuit that accuses the university of silencing conservative students for sharing their views on homosexuality and sin.On multiple occasions, members of the Christian Legal Society explained why their group’s constitution defines marriage as between one man and one woman.The ruling allows the students to speak freely on campus while the case continues. Mark Miller and Ryan Alexander are current students while Peter Perlot has since graduated law school.“Peter, Mark, and Ryan are guaranteed the freedom under the First Amendment to discuss their faith on campus, just like every other student and faculty member,” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Mathew Hoffmann stated in a news release.“We’re pleased they are again free to exercise their constitutionally protected freedoms without fear of punishment,” he stated. ADF “look[s] forward to a final resolution of this case in their favor and, ultimately, in favor of free speech for everyone.”“CLS is grateful the court acknowledged this today and stood up against a cancel culture threatened by a marketplace of differing ideas,” David Nammo, CEO of the national Christian legal group, stated in the news release.

Tags: College Insurrection, Free Speech, Idaho, Religion