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Association of American Medical Colleges Releases Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Curriculum

Association of American Medical Colleges Releases Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Curriculum

“describ[ing] the impact of various systems of oppression on health and health care (e.g., colonization, White supremacy, acculturation, assimilation).”

There isn’t one aspect of our lives that will be exempted from the left’s political agenda. They are embedding it in everything.

The National Association of Scholars reports:

New: Association of American Medical Colleges Releases Official DEI Curriculum Standards

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) just released its official Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Competencies. Designed for curriculum development, the competencies function as DEI educational standards, providing a set of ideal “diversity” and “inclusion” skills for three stages of a physician’s education. For graduating medical students, the competencies include “describ[ing] the impact of various systems of oppression on health and health care (e.g., colonization, White supremacy, acculturation, assimilation).” For graduating residents, they include “promoting social justice and engag[ing] in efforts to eliminate health care disparities,” and for faculty physicians, “teach[ing] how systems of power, privilege, and oppression inform policies and practices and how to engage with systems to disrupt oppressive practices.”

Ultimately, these new competencies provide a blueprint for infusing the themes of identity politics—“intersectionality,” “white privilege,” “microaggression,” “allyship”—into medical education. In March, the National Association of Scholars acquired and published a draft version of the competencies. A number of critics spoke up, noting how the competencies would function as an obvious threat to academic freedom and, more broadly, sound medical education.

With the publication of these official competencies, the AAMC appears to be doubling-down. The official version includes only cosmetic changes to the draft. In their op-ed introducing the competencies, the president of the AAMC and the chair of the AAMC’s Council of Deans emphatically stated their support: “We believe this topic deserves just as much attention from learners and educators at every stage of their careers as the latest scientific breakthroughs”—a truly remarkable statement of priorities from the leaders of America’s foremost medical education association.


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Just remember that all of the edicts come from professionals who likely haven’t touched a patient in years, if ever. Medical school administrative offices are just as bloated as any woke undergrad school. My local hospital has a statement that one HAS to accept the provider that they were assigned. I won the lottery and have a nice young Jewish cardiologist that I spar with twice a year. Having been around, I can differentiate between credibility and credentials. I do feel for those who get into a particular health system and then get stuck with someone who should not be practicing.

“Competencies” is rather a strong word, no? Perpetuating gender dysphoria.

Will the NBA and the NFL, among others, be releasing similar “competencies” or guidelines?

henrybowman | July 16, 2022 at 4:40 pm

“various systems of oppression on health and health care (e.g., colonization, White supremacy, acculturation, assimilation).”

“Bad news, Mr. Mayonnaise… when we ran your blood culture, it began developing colonies. I’m afraid you’ve caught White Supremacy, and we can’t treat you anymore.”