After Focusing on Florida, CA Gov. Newsom Doesn’t ‘Know Enough’ About LA County DA’s Poor Job Performance to Comment
More news from Hellscape Gascónistan.

Legal Insurrection has been following the disturbing crime wave created in the wake of Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón’s implementation of a spate of super-progressive criminal justice policies.
The last time we reported on Gascón, the second recall effort appeared to have gathered enough signatures to get approval for placement on the ballot.
About a week after California Governor Gavin Newsom rad an ad in Florida smearing Governor Ron DeSantis, it appears the state’s leading politician cannot comment about the disaster occurring within California’s largest city because he has no idea what is going on:
California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday in a television interview that he doesn’t “know enough” about the job performance of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon to determine if he’s doing a “good job.”
Newsom made the statement during an interview with FOX 11 Los Angeles, and added that he’s “deeply concerned” with some of the criticism that Gascon has received.
“Is he doing a good job?,” the governor was asked.
“I don’t know enough about the job he’s done. I’m deeply concerned about the criticism,” Newsom responded.
Perhaps Newsom should take the time to learn. Now would be an excellent time to use political muscle to persuade Gascón to change course. The DA is planning to fight a recent court ruling mandating ‘three strikes’ charges be implemented.
The progressive district attorney, who is facing a recall push, announced Thursday that a June ruling by a three-judge panel of the California Second District Court of Appeal mandating prosecutors file such cases “sets a dangerous precedent” in the Golden State.
“The court is effectively taking the charging decision out of the prosecutor’s hands — the core function of a prosecutor’s office,” Gascón said.
But a vocal critic of Gascón who supports the recall effort against his boss told The Post he was dismayed the district attorney will now “spend taxpayer money” to fight the ruling.
Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami said Gascón issued a “blanket policy” in December 2020 forbidding the filing of strike priors.
Unfortunately, there is some troubling news related to the recall.
Last week, the office of the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk acknowledged receipt of 715,833 signatures thus completing the first step of the petition to recall Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón.
But a sample audit of those signatures found that only 78.2% were valid while a full count will need to reach 79.2%:
“Los Angeles County completes its random sample verification of signatures for the recall of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, validating 27,983 / 35,793 (78.2%). It proceeds to a full count verification, and will need to improve to 79.2% in the full count to qualify.”
Los Angeles County completes its random sample verification of signatures for the recall of Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, validating 27,983 / 35,793 (78.2%).
It proceeds to a full count verification, and will need to improve to 79.2% in the full count to qualify.
— Rob Pyers (@rpyers) July 14, 2022
Here’s hoping the statistics improve in the next phase of the signature review.
Meanwhile, perhaps Newsom should try to get over his Red State envy.
Apart from DeSantis, Newsom also brought up his other favorite Republican target — Abbott — during Thursday’s interview. He criticized the Texas governor for his recently announced decision to — at least try — to eliminate access to free public school for undocumented immigrants in his state. Newsom likened it to California’s now-infamous Proposition 187, a ballot initiative state voters passed in 1994 which, before being struck down by a federal district court, prohibited undocumented immigrants from using non-emergency health care, public education and other state services.
“Look what Abbott is doing. Abbott is talking about eliminating a fundamental right for people, regardless of their immigration status, to get an education,” Newsom said. “This is a real moment for diverse communities, and it’s not just [DeSantis] (Newsom referred to him as ‘DeSantos’ here, which he’s done before) it’s Abbott, it’s Kentucky, it’s South Dakota, you go down the list [and] with these red states there’s a ruthlessness.”

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He’s not completely delusional. After months of poor polling the political machine in CA still managed to help him avoid recall and in fact by massive margin – almost 62% voted to keep him. So, no doubt he expects the national machine to be almost as productive. Questionable, maybe, but not crazy.
Not crazy, but not the sharpest tool in the shed, either. This guy is Kamala Harris +/- a couple of IQ points, and without having sexually serviced Willie Brown in furtherance of his career.
I wonder who he did ‘service’ to get where he is.
Liberal Playbook: I’m a good liberal making me beyond reproach.
He’s not a liberal, he’s a Leftist.
He’s neither. He’s a corrupt cypher who’ll do the bidding of whoever pays him. Soros has.
Let’s start calling these vermin what they truly are, Communists.
I see he forgot to wear his clown nose again.
Governor Newsom as Sgt. Schultze: I know nothing.
Based on his grasp of Commufornia issues he would be a perfect Demoncrat Presidential Candidate.
“Look what Abbott is doing. Abbott is talking about eliminating a fundamental right for people, regardless of their immigration status, to get an education,” Newsom said. “This is a real moment for diverse communities, and it’s not just [DeSantis] (Newsom referred to him as ‘DeSantos’ here, which he’s done before) it’s Abbott, it’s Kentucky, it’s South Dakota, you go down the list [and] with these red states there’s a ruthlessness.”
Well, then. Get the buses loaded for Californica! The land of milk and honey, where the streets are paved with sh….um, gold. Yeah, that’s it! Gold!
I’d like to ask that jackass just where this “fundamental right” for foreign border crashers to get educated on the American taxpayer can be found.
Seems like a pretty simple formula to me… STOP giving illegals free shit and we’ll see a LOT fewer illegals.
And so Hair Gel’s presidential dreams begin to crash and burn already. DeSantis doesn’t even have to say anything. Just stand silently and watch Hair Gel self-destruct.
HE is the guy who released over 60,000 hardened criminals from state prisons. HE is the one who selected and endorsed both Chesa Boudin AND George Gascon for DAs. HE is also the guy who appointed and endorsed the Defund the Police crowd from the very beginning. How much more information do we as voters need to render judgment on this utterly empty suit?
And BTW, doesn’t the DA’s office oversee the recount process? No one seems to know anything about the security of the recount. Does he really think voters will believe that the signatures weren’t there? More than 90% of his own Assistant DAs signed the petition. The petition was organized by one of them. You can bet their families signed too. As did the police and their families. You also bet that the low-income, crime-ridden black and latino signed it too. That’s a lot of signatures.
Newsom is less than two years away from bring pResident of the former USA. Biden is soon replaced by Harris. Newsome is selected as VP. Harris steps aside and …bingo….he is The Man. Its the only option the Dems really have.
Won’t happen. He will end up being the sacrificial lamb to DeSantis. Gets him out of the way while they rebuild. The future of the Democrat party isn’t yet old enough to run for office.
IF there is an election and if DeSantis can overcome 101 million votes…. most of them coming days after a DeSantis victory. He is the only candidate able to take on DeSantiz and will be the incumbent. Possible scenario…. Newsom as LBJ on Nov.23. the Dems will do anything…anything to win. (see 2020 as reference)
Well, I can’t see them leaving Willie’s blow-up doll in any position of real authority, and while your prediction sequence is certainly possible don’t rule out the Hildebeast being in Newsome’s place in your scenario. They would love to engineer a way to have the slimy Clinton reptiles slither their way back into the White House.
The Obamas will not allow Hillary to get any traction. That is likely why as soon as Hillary starting the “strip tease” of possibly running, suddenly Michelle’s name is being bounced around. That put an end to Hillary… forever. It’s over. And I really don’t think Michelle has any interest in running… ever.
And Hair Gel is only being allowed to parade around early so he can self-destruct and be out of the loop… forever.
If Trump decides to run in 2024, he will win. Otherwise, it will be DeSantis unless he has a brain cramp and challenges Trump in the primary.
The Dems are plagued by having nothing but losing candidates and they are a very old party. Unless the GOPe decides to once again destroy itself in its hate for Trump, we are looking at 12 years or more of Trump and DeSantis. And the way Trump is going sweeping out the squishy incumbents, things will be going his way very soon.
No one seemed to pick up on this but Tom Cotton has just started a war against the Blackrock/Larry Fink “ESG cartel”. It is a logical follow-up to the Twitter/Musk affair where imposing ESG onto the Board of Directors was exposed as a conflict of interest with their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. This is a very big deal and stands to scare a few more squishes into early retirement before 2024. The GOPe is populated by just as many criminals as the Dems and this may be the issue that forces them all out.
So no, I see no possibility of Newsom becoming the Dem candidate in 2024. He will self-destruct without any help from the Republicans.
“But a sample audit of those signatures found that only 78.2% were valid while a full count will need to reach 79.2%”
Show of hands — who here thinks the process to examine and verify signatures on recall petitions for Democrats bears even a remote resemblance to the process to examine and verify signatures on mail-in and absentee ballots for general elections?
Greasy Newsolini’s evasions are typical of the vile Dumb-o-crats. They can never take responsibility for the destructive and deleterious consequences of their ill-conceived policies, nor can they ever criticize another Dumb-o-crat.
Actually, the court is taking the non-charging option out of the prosecutor’s hands. Gascon’s incredibly gross abuse of that option being a prime example of why.
If the recall signature count is that close, it will fail. Conservatives always need to bake in a 5 point margin to defeat leftist cheating.
Hair Gel also appointed current CA Attorney GeneralRob Bonta too. Another George Soros operative. For those who don’t know, state AGs have the authority to remove inept/corrupt DAs. So when you see Soros-backed DAs in any state, you can immediately assume that the AG is corrupt too. That’s a lot of states.
He plans to win by persuading progressives, who already are loony tunes, and it may be a good strategy, but not a winning one when it comes to the rest of us.
Didn’t the legislature pass the 3-strikes law and take the charging decision out of prosecutor’s hands? The court would be upholding the legislative intent. Why is this dumbass blaming the courts?
Apparently the legislature had a brief moment of clarity at the time to foresee idiot soft radical lefties trying to destroy civil society.
Apparently he’s scolding the voters too. Seems like a bad idea but he might bully them into compliance.
Newsom is only concerned with the criticism, not what Gascón is actually doing. He doesn’t want to say that out loud, so he feigns ignorance.