Now that the Opinion overruling Roe v. Wade is out, the reaction while furious, seems like resignation. That’s not to say someone else won’t try to physically attack Justices or otherwise commit violence. It’s also not to say that Democrats won’t try to make it into an electoral issue, though I don’t think that will work (people angered at the opinion likely vote Democrat anyway).
But the shock of the ruling doesn’t seem to be there. Because it wasn’t a surprise. The leak took place on May 2. There have been almost eight weeks for it to percolate and for emotions to ripen. Yet those emotions, including the attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and attacks on pro-life groups, have created a backlash, with even the White House finally coming out against more violence.
Of course, the leak also didn’t change the result.
Whether the leaker ever is identified publicly remains to be seen. But the leak backfired by any objective measure.