National Assoc. of Scholars Releases Plan to Dismantle the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Regime in Higher Ed

These policies are a way for the left to continue their political dominance on college campuses. Nothing more.The College Fix reports:

Ban diversity training and defund woke colleges, academic group urgesThe National Association of Scholars and its president, Peter Wood, released a plan for dismantling the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion “regime” on campus.“Repelling the DEI Assault on Higher Education,” a statement paper released on June 13, gives an overview of the problem on college campuses and provides solutions on how to fight it.Legislators should start with “independent institutional audits aimed at discovering how deeply and how firmly DEI has been embedded in a college or university.” This will allow them to know how bad the situation is.After the audits, legislators have several more options, Wood (pictured) wrote.One option includes a ban on “mandatory DEI training.”Wood wrote in the statement paper why he supports this:

This training imposes on faculty members and staff indoctrination on matters of personal belief. Often it [is] in violation of the conscience of individuals who must submit to falsehoods about their personal identities as well as misrepresentations of history and society. Seldom does such training bear in any constructive way on professional competence or job responsibilities that are appropriately part of the individual’s employment.

Legislators should also ban “all forms of DEI evaluation.”

Other steps include more transparency and “vigilance” over how a woke agenda is embedded in universities.

Finally, legislators should “[t]erminate funding to institutions that refuse to mend their ways.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Social Justice