Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Children and Church Latest Target Of Radical “RuthSentUs” Group

Amy Coney Barrett Family via Mark Meadows Twitter

The attempt to assassinate United States Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was horrifying but not at all shocking. Democrats, their activist media cheerleaders, and their Big Tech “partners” have been advocating for illegal protests outside high court judges’ homes since the Roe draft opinion leak.

The White House backed, before having to walk it back, this violation of federal law.

Indeed, the White House and Democrats, with a couple of exceptions, have yet to comment on—much less condemn—the attempted assassination or the ongoing illegal protests outside Kavanaugh’s home.

And it’s not only Justice Kavanaugh under threat by the extreme pro-abortion left.

Because they know they are protected from legal consequences, the radical left is openly, and without a peep from Twitter, advocating for continued and more threatening intimidation of Justice Barrett.  Ruth Sent Us goes so far as to publicize where Barrett’s children attend school and where the family attends church. (archive)

What possible reason could there be for doing this except to hope that radical mobs descend on this school and this church?  And what possible reason could there be for that other than to coerce, terrorize, and intimidate a justice of the highest court in the land regarding her expected decision on a case before that court?

Where is Merrick Parents Are Domestic Terrorists Garland on this? Right. No where. Parents waiting their turn and then speaking out against public school policy at public-are-welcome school board meetings are the real threat, not these actual lawbreakers whose violations are actually under his jurisdiction.

Here’s the thing, you can bet your last dollar that if the pro-life right were doing the same thing to leftist and left-leaning SCOTUS justices over their opposition to overturning Roe, the full power and fury of the law and federal government would drop on them like Thor’s hammer.

They’d rot in jail, every Republican politician from their town dog-catcher to their House rep and senator would be blamed.  There would be shrieks of threats to democracy, insurrection, and racism/sexism/insert whatever ism.  There would be bills voted on and passed with lightning speed to abridge the Constitutional rights of anti-infanticide proponents, the FBI would be sent out to look for still-boxed Lego sets, and the entire sprawling DHS would fan out sniffing under every rock looking for anyone who doesn’t support abortion until the moment of birth.

But it’s the radical left breaking federal law and endangering the lives of SCOTUS justices, their children, and their church members, so it’s just some people doing some things because they are “passionate” about a just cause.

Tags: Abortion, Amy Coney Barrett, Biden Administration, Merrick Garland, US Supreme Court