January 6 Committee Delaying Hearings Until July Due to ‘Additional Work’
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January 6 Committee Delaying Hearings Until July Due to ‘Additional Work’

January 6 Committee Delaying Hearings Until July Due to ‘Additional Work’

They’re sad that no one gives a damn.

January 6 Committee Chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) announced the committee will delay hearings until July.

Is anyone else laughing? My side hurts from laughing so much.

I’ve been gone for two weeks. Didn’t like every TV station except Fox air the hearings and they bombed? I guess they’ve had four hearings.

20 million people watched the first hearing. That sounds AMAZING until you realize that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX Business, and six other networks aired the hearing…so it bombed.

Dying. No one cares.

Thursday’s hearing will still happen. But man, they have so much new information or something:

“There’s been a deluge of new evidence since we got started. And we just need to catch our breath, go through the new evidence, and then incorporate it into the hearings we have planned,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) told reporters.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) similarly mentioned a “mountain of new information.”

“I don’t think we’ve established a date yet, but we have a mountain of new information that’s come in that we have to go through,” Lofgren told The Hill.

Apparently, the new information includes footage from a British documentarian of the day in question. They also have interviews with Trump and his adult children along with Pence.

Or, again, it’s the fact that no one cares and once this whole thing wraps up no one will remember it in November.

Yeah, those tapes from the documentarian sound sssssoooo interesting.


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I wish I could laugh.. it kinda makes me sick… and no one will remember it in November because Avi46 has promised a new pandemic… new and improved.

I just don’t understand how all those people can be held for so long..

Democrat Clown show delayed until next month due to clown shortage.

… and then they will quietly let it die away completely because they know it is killing them in the polls.

Unless of course they have a weak-arse surprise they need to hide until October/November. It will be worthless then as well but it’s al they have.

Its fundraising and campaigning season, that is priority one over anything else

The Gentle Grizzly | June 22, 2022 at 6:50 pm

“Didn’t like every TV station except Fox air the hearings and they bombed?”

You’re right. I didn’t like it either.

Or, did you mean “didn’t virtually every other station…”

/Teen-speak is not a good sound from an educated adult.

They need more information to be made up for charges.
November is coming so they better get a move on DJT’s 3rd impeachment.

There’s no villain, no mastermind coup planners in the Democrats insurrection story. They are just cracking down on a bunch of random people to scare the public.

Dear Jan. 6 Commission,

Fuck you, you lying, gaslighting whores. Now shut your fucking mouth and go away, far away.


The American Public

More likely: they are going to bury more information that doesn’t meet their “standards” for presentation.

Like the truth.

Do they really think four months won’t be enough time to debunk whatever fables they spin in July?

They’re running out of time before campaign season. So I suspect they don’t have much, otherwise they’d be in a hurry to get through it and pull the trigger on a criminal referral or some similar nonsense.

So of all the Biden voters, only 20 million are interested..where are the other 61 million? Didn’t they get the memo?

Ferfuggs eggs | June 22, 2022 at 7:37 pm

Need more duct tape for the Titanic.

I can think of a couple reasons, besides giving more time to process all the “new evidence”. Their audience during the next few weeks will be even smaller than usual, and that includes attention from the media.

If SCOTUS holds to its usual schedule the Dobbs ruling will be released next week. It will dominate the media coverage, even more so if Roe v. Wade is overturned, and the January 6 hearings will get scant attention.

Also, the 4th of July is on a Monday, and more than likely there will be millions of Americans who will take extended long weekends, whether they start them next week or take time off after the 4th. Plus the House is scheduled to be out of session the week of the 4th. Therefore you’re going to have average Americans taking vacations and Congresscritters and staff taking vacations.

This is how you know their communist propaganda campaign has filed. They’ll try again in July to distract from what an epic failure and incompetent retard their pedophile-in-chief is.

Those poor people
We all need to bombard our congressman and senators non stop to let our people go

I call like couple times a month, we ALL need to do it everyday

And call into talk radio stations

Good signs outside of these corrupt fools who refuse to do anything

Another Voice | June 22, 2022 at 10:12 pm

Today’s announcement seems to take a chapter from the impeachment hearings in 2019. Just when they believe they’re losing the momentum, i.e. media and they’re narrative, It’s; “Oh…wait! We have come upon some new information we have to investigate” They’ll smoke and screen by innuendo buying time to push it out until the last possible time for any conclusion just prior to Nov. elections.

Nothing says unbiased left wing documentary maker quite like “why the Trumps wanted to cling to peer so DEEEEEEEEEESPERATELY” 🤣🤣

Fucking clown show 🤬🤬

thartless@gmail.com | June 23, 2022 at 7:51 am

I have a CNN Nothing Burger with a side of flies.

Raskin was called for another Marx Brothers look a like contest (he bears an uncanny resemblance to Zeppo), so the hearings are delayed until his return.

They need to arrest a few more people and dig through their emails and such to see if they are able to find anything new. What judge keeps signing off on there warents and who in the DOJ is working directly with the committee?