Real science indicates that one blood donation can save up to 3 lives.
So, when mindless bureaucrats base policy of fantasy science, real lives are at stake.
Take, if instance, the experience of one long-time blood donor in Scotland.
Over nearly 50 years, Leslie Sinclair has given a formidable 125 pints of blood.But on his last trip he was turned away after refusing to answer a question on whether or not he was pregnant.Mr Sinclair, 66, was told to fill in a form which asked whether he was expecting a child or had been pregnant in the past six months.When he complained that as a man in his 60s this question did not apply and he should not have to answer it, Mr Sinclair said staff at the clinic told him they could not accept his blood.
Sinclair spoke for millions when he assessed the requirement for him to answer that specific question.
The retired driver, from Stirling, Scotland, told them it was “stupid” and “got on [his] bike and cycled away” after going to the centre at Albert Halls on Wednesday.He said: “There is always a form to fill in and that’s fine – they tend to ask about medical conditions or diseases – and clearly that’s because the blood needs to be safe.”This time around, there was a question I hadn’t seen before: ‘Are you pregnant, or have you been in the last six months?’ which required a yes or no answer.”It is nonsensical and it makes me angry because there are vulnerable people waiting for blood, including children, and in desperate need of help.
Sinclair is being hailed for his actions.
Not all heroes wear capes.