Horace Mann Student Claims School Promotes Progressive Politics and Silences Dissent
“HM, like so many other academic institutions today, fosters a learning environment that I believe is hostile to those who do not subscribe to progressive politics”
Ryan Finlay writes at the school’s newspaper and claims that there is little political balance being offered at the renowned school. Sadly, this is easy to believe.
From The Record:
Fear, Risk, and the State of Political Expression at HM
The Horace Mann School appears on the surface to be a remarkably homogeneous community — politically. Our curricula are infused with the latest theories from the progressive academic community. An entire philosophy on American society and its future is packaged and distributed to the student body, and too often, as designed, students accept it at face value. There’s something rather important missing from this picture: a vast swath of the political spectrum. One could easily conclude that there are very few non–progressive students at HM, but this is an illusion; the community contains silent multitudes.
Here is the problem: HM, like so many other academic institutions today, fosters a learning environment that I believe is hostile to those who do not subscribe to progressive politics. This includes not just conservatives but also centrists and moderates on the left. As a result, our school has developed a political bubble in which the majority of the views expressed in classrooms are far to the left of the mainstream views of both the American public and the actual political average of the student community. A fantasy is built for progressive members of the student body, making them believe that their most radical opinions are far closer to the mainstream than is actually the case.
Over the course of this composition, I will attempt to illustrate exactly how this bubble is facilitated and maintained. I also intend to offer an explanation for why so many members of the student body who are not progressive are unwilling to express their political views in class. I will use personal examples, as well as reference the experiences of others. To protect everyone’s privacy, I will not identify by name any of the courses, faculty members, or students involved in any of these true events.
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a learning environment that I believe is hostile to those who do not subscribe to progressive politics
And there’s why you can’t fight it. It’s not about POLITICS.
Progressivism is a RELIGION.
What they are imposing is a religion.
And by hostile, that includes censorship, public shaming and physical violence.
The Democrat way.
So much irony. A private school named after one of the main promoters of our government school system and the “word” method of teaching reading which produced a generation of illiterate students.