Hezbollah Terror Group Threatens to Strike Israel’s Newest Gas Rig
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Hezbollah Terror Group Threatens to Strike Israel’s Newest Gas Rig

Hezbollah Terror Group Threatens to Strike Israel’s Newest Gas Rig

IDF deploys sea-borne Iron Dome anti-missile battery to protect gas rig west of Haifa port.

As European countries negotiate a possible energy deal with Israel, the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group has threatened to hit an Israeli gas-drilling rig in the Mediterranean Sea.

The head of the Lebanon-based terrorist militia, Hassan Nasrallah, threatened Israel with war and destruction if the country goes ahead with the offshore gas exploration and drilling near the northern Israeli port of Haifa.

“The Lebanese losses in the event of war are nothing compared to what they will be on the side of the Israeli entity, and if there is a war it will have existential consequences for Israel,” Nasrallah boasted Thursday.

While the gas exploration zone is well within the Israeli maritime borders, the Lebanese government and Hezbollah have staked claim on the potential gas field. The left-wing Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted that the recent satellite images “shows that the new rig and a further drilling vessel belonging to the gas company are located 10 kilometers (6 miles) southwest of the official southern border Lebanon submitted to the UN.”

Israeli TV channel Arutz Sheva reported Hezbollah chief’s threat:

The leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, Hassan Nasrallah, commented on Thursday evening on the dispute over the maritime border between Israel and Lebanon and said that “sending the Karish rig for gas drilling in the area of ​​the border is aggression against Lebanon.”

Nasrallah threatened that “the resistance is militarily prepared” to prevent Israel from continuing to produce gas from the Karish rig near the Lebanese border.

He said that Israel should stop pumping gas from the reservoir immediately and stated, “All options are on the table, we are not afraid of war.”

“The enemy must cease all activities in all parts of the field, and the company that owns the Greek ship must withdraw it immediately because it is an accomplice in the attack on Lebanon,” declared Nasrallah.

“The Lebanese losses in the event of war are nothing compared to what they will be on the side of the Israeli entity, and if there is a war it will have existential consequences for Israel,” the Hezbollah chief threatened.

Iron Dome Deployed to Shield Gas Rig

The Israeli military is taking Hezbollah’s threats seriously, and has initiated counter-measures to thwart any maritime terror attack. “An IDF report released Sunday said that the military is preparing for a Hezbollah attack on the rig and is planning to deploy naval forces to the site, including a sea-borne Iron Dome anti-missile battery,” The Times of Israel reported June 7.

These threats are not limited to the Israeli maritime zone. The IDF has also detected growing military build up by the Iran-sponsored terrorist outfit on the northern border. “The Hezbollah terror group has recently stepped up construction on military infrastructure near Lebanon’s border with Israel,” The Times of Israel added.

Europe Eyes Gas Import Deal With Israel

As Europe moves away from Russian energy imports — which making up around 45 of its total gas needs, it is looking at the Israeli gas fields as one the possible sources. The European Union has proposed a “natural gas import deal” with Israel and other Mediterranean, Reuters reported June 9.

On Monday, European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, visited Jerusalem for energy talks. “European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi were headed to Israel on Monday as the EU seeks to wean itself off Russian fossil fuel imports,” Israeli broadcaster Ynet reported.

“Both leaders were due to hold energy talks in Israel, which has turned from a natural gas importer into an exporter in recent years because of major offshore finds,” the news outlet added.


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Forewarned is forearmed, but don’t let them distract you from other terrorism they plan.

Religion of peace indeed.

Steven Brizel | June 13, 2022 at 3:30 pm

Israel should do whatever is necessary to protect its goal of energy self sufficiency

“Terrorists threaten to strike Israel’s gas rig”

That’s not good strategy on the part of the terrorists.

Israel does not let terrorists set the agenda nor choose the battle field. Israel’s policy is to take the battle to the enemy and strike where the terrorist threat comes from.

stevewhitemd | June 13, 2022 at 3:48 pm

Not to worry: Nasrallah makes all his statements from his very secure underground bunker in suburban Beirut. He’s generally afraid of his own shadow. He knows that attacking that gas field would bring a robust Israeli response, and right now the Euros need that gas.

“Hezbollah Terror Group Threatens to Strike Israel’s Newest Gas Rig”

Another day that ends in ‘Y’, so of course they do.


Why does Lebanon allow themselves to be used as an Iranian puppet?

    puhiawa in reply to geronl. | June 14, 2022 at 12:32 am

    It has no choice. Nearly a million Shia moved into the country to turn it muslim. On top of these fanatics, hundreds of thousands “Palestinians” moved in and murdered, raped, tortured then killed all Christians in the Bakaa Valley. The sheer evilness of islam is simply beyond the world at large to imagine. Lebanon has gone from a Jew disliking Christian nation to a muslim fanatic nation in 50 years. It may have to be purged from the earth.

Another day; more infantile belligerence from infantile, goose-stepping Muslim supremacists/terrorists.

Where are our allegedly “justice”-oriented American Dhimmi-crats? Where is their outrage and condemnation of Muslim supremacist/terrorist threats and belligerence against Israeli Jews and their livelihoods? Nowhere to be found, predictably.

According to Bernie Saunders and friends, Israel is an apartheid state, although the goal of Israel’s Muslim neighbors is the elimination of Jews and only Jews from the face of the earth. Next war between Lebanon and Israel, will change Lebanon forever; borders and all.

In a SANE world, the Hezzies would be extinct!! All Nations should STOP FUNDING the crazies!! Israel has been warned of an ATTACK and would be within their RIGHTS to PRE-EMPT an attack. Should be interesting in the coming days!