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Emerson College Promotes Prof With History of Racially Divisive Views

Emerson College Promotes Prof With History of Racially Divisive Views

“According to Poku’s manual, race should play a factor not only in the people you surround yourself with, but also in the businesses you support.”

As I have mentioned before, I am an Emerson College grad. I’m sad to see what’s happening to the school.

The Federalist reports:

Emerson College Promotes Professor Who Publicly Fantasized About Massacring White People

Emerson College has a tradition of warmly welcoming racially divisive administrators. Only a few months after promoting a professor who said blacks and whites can’t be friends and divorced her husband because of his race, Emerson College has now nominated Shaya Gregory Poku as the school’s new vice president for equity and social justice.

Poku is one of the authors of the manual “9 Tips for Anti-Racist Child Rearing.” In it, she guides parents on how to raise their children within the critical race theory dogma. The manual claims that not judging people by the color of their skin is “absurd.”

Even though Poku received an award named after Martin Luther King, her ideology opposes everything King stood for. Poku’s manual says parents should instruct their children to “acknowledge and celebrate differences in appearance” and to “describe people referring to their racial backgrounds.”

The manual also tells parents they should prevent their kids from “socializing with other children who are being raised to have and perpetuate false and decrepit ideas.” Poku says there should be “educational interventions” against those children.

According to Poku’s manual, race should play a factor not only in the people you surround yourself with, but also in the businesses you support. To escape the “white bubble,” people should “patronize businesses owned by people of color” and buy less at white-owned businesses, the manual says.


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The Gentle Grizzly | June 1, 2022 at 9:58 am

What do places like Emerson think they are accomplishing with nonsense like this?

healthguyfsu | June 1, 2022 at 2:45 pm

LOL…don’t like her chances in a firefight.

She brags about her legally owned handgun and says in her fantasy that she’s going to shoot ‘an angry white violent mob while sitting on her front porch’

    MarkJ in reply to healthguyfsu. | June 1, 2022 at 3:22 pm

    Memo to Professor Idiot from the Mafia: Forget the white mob fantasy. You always get whacked when you least expect it.

henrybowman | June 1, 2022 at 10:18 pm

“The manual claims that not judging people by the color of their skin is “absurd.”

I’m not sure how this works.
She’s black… so I’m allowed to dismiss her as an ignorant n*r?

texansamurai | June 2, 2022 at 1:28 pm

the headline is a bit ambiguous–“racially divisive?”–how about plain old “racist?”–this woman could be the poster child for black, racist bigots