Diversity Proposal for Faculty Fails at the University of Washington
“called for a full 2 years of unit-level efforts to develop local understandings of how DEI contributions should be considered and evaluated, and that work will proceed”

The proposal couldn’t garner enough faculty support to pass. If this is the case at the University of Washington, maybe there’s hope.
The College Fix reports:
Faculty diversity proposal fails at University of Washington
A proposal to study how to require faculty to show support for diversity, equity and inclusion has failed at the University of Washington.
The faculty senate failed to convince enough of its colleagues to support a discussion that professors submit proof of “contributions to the University’s DEI mission in promotion and tenure materials.”
The proposal earned 63 percent of the vote, but needed 66 percent to pass, according to an email from faculty senate chairs Chris Laws and Guatham Reddy.
“This is, for those of us who supported this effort, a very disappointing result – but it will not end our work to change our University and how we center the values of inclusivity, equity, and diversity in our promotion and tenure practices,” Reddy and Laws wrote in their email, obtained by The College Fix. The proposal passed the senate in May.
The legislation “called for a full 2 years of unit-level efforts to develop local understandings of how DEI contributions should be considered and evaluated, and that work will proceed.”
“The proposed change strengthens procedures for faculty promotion by providing additional information to promotion and tenure review Subcommittees,” the legislation stated.
The legislation would ensure that faculty activities which “contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion to become more explicitly considered during promotion and tenure review.”
Reddy and Laws said that the failed vote will not deter them because they know the senate’s proposal has support from a “very significant majority of the faculty.”
The two professors said they “will coordinate with the President, Provost, the Board of Deans and Chancellors, and Elected Faculty Councils to find common ground where we can think creatively and develop the practices called for in the original legislation”
Neither responded to multiple emailed requests for comment in the past three weeks from The Fix before and after the vote about the policy and why it did not pass.

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“Reddy and Laws said that the failed vote will not deter them because they know the senate’s proposal has support from a “very significant majority of the faculty.”
Um, if that were the case, you would have won. How about “very significant MINORITY of the faculty.”
These are the people that think taxing the “rich” is a bottomless well, too.
63:% voted for the insane proposal. Despite of the optimism of Mr. LaChance and June in the previous comment, I am much less optimistic. It sounds like just a very few votes could have changed the outcome. I expect this insanity will be brought up as many times as possible to garner the necessary 66%.
I’m a Washington alumnus. I was surprised at this result. I would have guessed that at least 80% would have favored the proposal.
Unless I miss my guess, the losers have no intention of accepting this loss. I’m only somewhat surprised that they didn’t declare it was adopted because it missed passing by “only 3%”.
If they don’t vote again soon and “discover” the additional votes, then be prepared for public shaming of those who voted no. Soon followed by yet another vote. Voting will continue until they get the result they want. Then no more voting on the subject again. Ever.