Conservative Christian Student Sues Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville for Allegedly Silencing Her

More conservative students should sue if they truly believe their rights were violated. Make it hurt to silence people.

The College Fix reports:

Conservative Christian student sues university for silencing herA recent art therapy graduate sued Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville for violating her First Amendment rights.Alliance Defending Freedom alleged in its lawsuit that SIUE violated Maggie DeJong’s First Amendment rights when it issued “no-contact orders” and asked her peers to report her for “harmful rhetoric.”Officials issued the no-contact orders, starting in February, after several students reported DeJong’s speech to the university. The students informed the school that DeJong (pictured) shared conservative views during class discussions, such as support for police officers. DeJong also shared her pro-life views and criticized Black Lives Matter on her personal social media.The students alleged that DeJong’s statements constituted “harassment,” “discrimination,” and “microaggressions” and were not “welcome or appropriate,” according to ADF attorneys.SIUE officials then launched an investigation into DeJong and prohibited her from having “any contact,” which included “indirect communication,” with the students who filed the complaints. The university issued the no-contact orders without first giving DeJong an opportunity to defend herself or completing an investigation into the matter.SIUE Director of Media Relations Megan Wieser told The College Fix that the university doesn’t comment on pending litigation.Officials did not inform DeJong of the allegations nor state what policies she violated, according to the lawsuit.Officials told her she could receive further “disciplinary action[s]” should she violate the no-contact orders.The director of the art therapy program, Megan Robb, “publicly confirmed that Ms. DeJong was under investigation and accused her of ‘misconduct’ and ‘oppressive acts,’” in an email to all 30 students in the program.

Here’s a video report from Newsmax:

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Free Speech