Academia Will Accept Almost Anything if it’s Framed as Advancing Social Justice

This has been true for quite a while now. If you appear to be advancing the left, almost anything goes.

Lee Jussim writes at Unsafe Science:

The Radicalization of the American AcademyYou Can Make Many Bizarre Claims in Academia IF You Frame Them as Advancing Social JusticeI. Brittney Cooper, Professor of Women’s & Gender Studies, Rutgers, on The Root:About 12 minutes in: “White people are committed to being villains in the aggregate.”About 18 minutes in: “The thing I want to say to you is ‘We gotta take these MF’ers out,’ but we can’t say that. I don’t believe in a project of violence.”II. Aruna Khilanani, Psychiatrist, speaking at Yale’s Grand RoundsSome quotes:

Representative reactions by Yale attendees:“Thank you for shaking [things] up; I feel shaken up in a good way…”“Thank you for this…it’s the truth…”“I really appreciate your comments.”III. Peer Reviewed Publication, Not a HoaxNutpicking? Anecdotes? Maybe, but your first reason to doubt that this is nothing but meaningless anecdotes is the universal approval at Yale of Khilalani’s talk by attendees.Although these particular statements are extreme, even in academia, they are not that unusual. Of course, there was The Grievance Studies Sting, in which respectable and at least one prestigious peer reviewed academic journal published (or were likely on the way to publishing when the Sting was discovered) articles making claims such as: White students should be chained and never allowed to speak; men should (metaphorically of course) be leashed like dogs; and my favorite, Our Struggle is My Struggle (Unser Kampf ist Mein Kampf), which was a rewrite of a section from the original Mein Kampf, with “privilege” replacing “Jews.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Social Justice