Writer Explains How Critical Race Theory was Introduced into America’s Schools
“CRT’s proponents believe that racism is literally built into the DNA of white people”
Critical Race Theory is that thing the left is insisting isn’t being taught in schools. But if it is, it’s great.
C. Bradley Thompson writes at Substack:
The CRT-Industrial Complex
In my essay on “Critical Race Theory and the Long March Through the Institutions,” I examined what Critical Race Theory (CRT) is and what its philosophic origins are. The primary purpose of the present essay is to show how CRT made its way into America’s K-12 government school system. My specific concern is to highlight the various delivery mechanisms by which the Education Deep State smuggled CRT into America’s schools.
Before we examine how Critical Race Theory was introduced into America’s schools, let’s remind ourselves what CRT is and what its core principles are. Critical Race Theory assumes that true racism is more than just the bigoted ideas and actions of particular individuals but is instead built into the fabric of America’s social, political, legal, and economic institutions. In fact, CRT’s proponents believe that racism is literally built into the DNA of white people, which means that every thought, action, relationship, and interaction engaged in by white people is, to one degree or another, tinged with unconscious racial biases. The Seattle school district has, for instance, redefined racism simply as “whiteness”—that is, one is a racist by virtue of being white.[1]
By this account, “white privilege”—the unseen and unspoken advantages enjoyed by whites—is inescapably everywhere in American society. What this means in practice is that any and all differences in outcome or achievement between races or ethnic groups can only be explained by systemic racism. The antidote to white privilege is what CRT’s proponents call “anti-racism,” which is a disposition to actively fight for the elimination of systemic racism and a policy to equalize all social, educational, political, and economic outcomes.
The corollary principles of CRT include:
First, the rejection of concepts such as “objectivity” and “truth” as white constructs. According to two leading CRT proponents, Gloria Ladson-Billings and William F. Tate, all “knowledge” and “truth” is relative: “truths only exist for this person in this predicament at this time.”[2] This is how many schools around the country are trying to apply CRT principles to subjects such as math and the sciences, which they believe have hitherto been grounded in racism. The fact that there are performance disparities between races in subjects such as math and the various sciences is all the proof necessary to declare that truth-bearing and reality-oriented subjects such as math and science must be racist and therefore in need of curricular reconstruction.
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Do they, or is this convenient pretext for, basically, stealing from and enslaving whites?
Hey, they’re just following the science, as always.
You know how they found it? They used an election microscope.