UW-Madison Sees No Improvement in Campus Climate Despite Spending Millions on Diversity Programs

So very strange. One might reach the conclusion that these programs are useless.

The College Fix reports:

UW-Madison sees no improvement in campus climate despite millions invested in DEIThere has been no improvement in the UW-Madison campus climate over the last six years despite the public university pouring millions of dollars into programs and staff positions to support diversity, equity and inclusion.“Students of color, students with disabilities, nonbinary students, transgender students, and other LGBTQ+ students responded less positively than their counterparts” when rating whether they feel welcome, safe and respected, according to the results of a recently released campus climate survey.“The gap in reported perceptions between these students and other students did not change between 2016 and 2021,” the survey found.Outgoing Chancellor Rebecca Blank said the survey results were disappointing and she hopes her replacement can do a better job on diversity.“It’s clear that there do remain gaps between more marginalized groups and their degree of satisfaction and their sense of belonging and comfort on this campus,” Blank said during her final press conference on campus May 11.“I think we’ve done a number of things that have helped move the university forward, but as others have noted, we are a predominantly white institution in a predominantly white state and this is work that is going to be ongoing for a long time.”When asked by The College Fix via a virtual press conference Tuesday how she plans to improve diversity beyond what Blank had achieved, incoming Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin said she will spend time on campus before deciding how her approach might differ from Blank’s.“That’s definitely [an issue] where I will need to get to campus and learn a lot more,” Mnookin said. She noted during the interview that scholarship programs to make education more accessible and affordable for all students were at the top of her list.

Tags: College Insurrection, Wisconsin