Female Student Forced to Share Room With Biological Male on Overseas School Trip

The most stunning thing about this story is how the girl, who was upset, was basically told that no one cared.

The Sentinel reports:

Eudora girl forced to room with biological male on school-sponsored overseas tripOn a school trip to Costa Rica earlier this month, three female high school students in the Eudora school district were assigned to a two-bed hotel room with a transgender student who is biologically male — meaning one of them would have had to share a bed with the trans student — and school officials refused a request for a room change.One of the girls objected and told a chaperone she didn’t feel comfortable with the arrangement, but she was told to “deal with it.”A source speaking with the Sentinel on condition of anonymity said the girl raised the question with the teacher who leads the annual overseas trips via text message and was told the situation would be dealt with.But instead, the source says the Eudora teacher’s wife told the girls who were upset to “deal with it.”The girl — according to the source — was devastated, calling her mother in tears and refusing to sleep in the bed, instead sleeping on the floor and in other friends’ rooms.The Sentinel reached out to Eudora, Kansas, Superintendent of Schools Stu Moeckel about the situation, asking if these events happened as described, what action might be taken regarding the chaperones charged with student safety and if the district would provide a refund.Moeckel responded via email that he could not comment on an issue regarding an individual student.“As you are likely aware, we are generally unable to comment on issues pertaining to individually identified students or staff members, as their privacy interests are concerned and federal and/or state law limits disclosure,” Moeckel said.

Tags: College Insurrection, Education, Transgender