As usual, the left has invented a truly mind-bending term for the myriad horrific “treatments” inflicted upon children who claim to “feel like” they are the opposite sex than the one they were born.
In this instance, the left is happy to acknowledge that there are indeed two sexes because how else would they insist on puberty blockers, disfiguring surgeries, and the host of other “gender-affirming care” being pushed on children and their parents to remake a boy into a girl or vice versa? Naturally, it’s not possible to do this, so that’s when the linguistic gymnastics come into play and new ‘gender identities’ have to be invented. The only one not available, apparently, is being happy in your own body even if you “feel like” it’s the “wrong” sex.
It’s all exhausting. And it’s doing incredible damage to tens of thousands of children, damage that may not be fully understood for decades. A fact leftwing comedian Bill Maher noted in his Friday monologue.
He makes a lot of interesting points, points that others like Andrew Sullivan have made but that will perhaps get more widespread attention coming from Maher.
He begins by observing the data on the percentage of the population that has historically identified as transgender, noting that it’s gone up quite sharply in recent years.
The “Real Time” host began his weekly editorial with some interesting stats … before 1946, only .08% of the population identified as LGBTQ. That number shot up to 2.6% among Baby Boomers. It shot up again to 4.2% with Gen X, 10.5% among Millennials and 20.8% with Gen Z.
He follows this up by joking that “if we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054.”
TMZ continues (somewhat gingerly):
Bill’s argument is laced with humor, but at its core, he’s saying especially when it comes to kids, their feelings are not always innate … he says they often react to trends, to friends, to social media and parents should not reflexively take their children down a path of gender reassignment until the child’s self-identity is certain. He zeroes in on hormone blockers on young kids, the consequences of which he thinks have been glossed over.It’s an interesting, controversial argument he makes. Take a listen and judge for yourself.
Noting that polls have documented an exponential increase in those who claim LGBTQ status, he asked whether people should be allowed to ask, “What’s up with that?’It wasn’t that long ago when adults asked children what they wanted to be when they grew up. “They meant what profession,” Maher joked.He quoted a recent ACLU finding that claimed the controversy about abortion rights affects LGBTQ people more than so-called “Breeders.” While allowing that everyone should always be mindful of respecting and protecting others, he said, “Someone needs to say it – not everything’s about you. It’s okay to ask questions about something very new,” and turned toward the trend of putting young children on hormone blockers.“We’re literally experimenting on children,” Maher claimed, adding that we don’t know about the long-term effects of that, “but logic tells you there’s going to be problems,” citing bone density and fertility, among other issues. “It’s not a lifestyle decision,” he added.. . . . “Never forget childen are impressionable and very, very stupid,” Maher said. “A boy who thinks he’s a girl maybe is just gay – or whatever “Frazier” was, noting that being a girl doesn’t mean you have to act like a Kardashian. And maybe, if life makes you sad, “There are other solutions than hand me the dick saw.”“I understand that being trans is different, it’s innate,” Maher said. “But kids do have phases. Kids are fluid about eveything. If they know at age 8 what they wanted to be, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses.” He recalled, “I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God no one scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.”
There is nothing “gender-affirming” about experimenting with young, developing bodies in the name of wokeness. Maher’s right that society is much more accepting of everyone’s sexuality these days, and that’s a good thing, but it is horrifying that irreversible child mutilation is not just permitted but actively encouraged. It’s even become, as Maher notes, “trendy.”