Bill de Blasio Running for Redrawn New York House Seat
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Bill de Blasio Running for Redrawn New York House Seat

Bill de Blasio Running for Redrawn New York House Seat

Progressives: “Hey, Bill de Blasio – just no.”

Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio doesn’t know that people do not like him.

De Blasio announced his candidacy for a redrawn House seat in New York City, It includes Lower Manhattan and some of Brooklyn.

Current Rep. Jerry Nadler represents the 10th District. If the new map sticks, though, he will run to represent the 12th District, which is Manhattan.

De Blasio bragged on Morning Joe that he knows how to help people “from years of serving the people of this city.”

The former mayor even boasted about guiding NYC through COVID:

“I’m very proud of having led this city out of the worst of the COVID crisis,” de Blasio told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “I’m ready right now to serve and address the issues that are so deep in communities in Brooklyn and Manhattan, and I just wanted to come here, a place that I cherish, and with you who have been such good friends to tell you this is the next step and I want to serve the people of the community that is my home and that I love.”

No self-awareness. It’s pathetic and sad. I’m shocked he didn’t bring up his brilliant and almost successful presidential bid. (That’s sarcasm)

Let’s see how Democrats and progressives responded to the news.


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In response to Lauren Leader’s tweet: Why not, it worked for Joe Biden.

    henrybowman in reply to Martin. | May 20, 2022 at 2:52 pm

    “What I love about @BilldeBlasio (and so many over confident white dudes) is that they are undeterred by silly things like voters liking them, or popularity or anyone thinking they did a good job. impressive willful blindness really. If only us girls were half as over confident.”

    You mean like Ilhan Omar, AOC, Liz Warren, Stacey Abrams, Nikki Fried, and Queen Cankles?

The Gentle Grizzly | May 20, 2022 at 11:13 am

Let me ask one of our NY residents: Millhouse: what are his chances?

    I live right near him, so if that map sticks I’m in this district, and I just don’t know. In this area he seems to still be popular, but maybe with the new direction the Dems have taken his being a straight white cisgendered male will work against him, and his black lesbian wife and afro-adorned son won’t be enough to save him. I’m just glad I haven’t yet switched my registration back to Republican (gotta do that some time next year), so I will get to vote against him in the primary.

    It looks like the district has been redrawn to include a large Republican-voting area, but probably not enough of it to actually elect a Republican.

Apparently the grift-rush isn’t over for de Balsio…,

DeBlasto has a real chance. Look at the past examples of elected giants from New York: Hildebeast, Carlos Danger,UpChuck Schumer, the list goes on.

DeBlasio is running for a seat means his wife wants him to run for a seat.

Like all good, refined, upperclass men DeBlasio has a nice pair of pants, but his wife is wearing them.

I used that clip in classes on basic Arabic and how to use an interpreter effectively. The basic lesson I tried to instill was just because you memorized a few words and phrases doesn’t give you the cultural context and nuances to successfully communicate.

It’s truly one of the funniest things I’ve seen, of course it helps if you’ve spent time in Germany.

In the spirit of bipartisanship, I wish him exactly what he’s been giving out during his term, and I hope he gets this. Good and hard.