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Abortion Activists Vandalize a Catholic Church in Boulder for the Second Time in Seven Months

Abortion Activists Vandalize a Catholic Church in Boulder for the Second Time in Seven Months

“Once again a parish community showed up for a morning mass and had to walk in and witness that their parish had been targeted. I hate to say it. I was not surprised to learn of this, this morning.”

Because we all know the Sacred Heart of Mary Church in Boulder, CO, totally had a say in Justice Alito’s leaked opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

However, it’s the second time infanticide activists targeted the church in less than a year!

Archdiocese spokesman Mark Haas told CBS4: “Once again a parish community showed up for a morning mass and had to walk in and witness that their parish had been targeted. I hate to say it. I was not surprised to learn of this, this morning.”

From The Denver Post:

Property and statues at Sacred Heart of Mary Church, 6739 S. Boulder Road, were damaged overnight with graffiti bearing abortion-rights messages and one window was shattered, officials with the Archdiocese of Denver said Wednesday.

“My Body My Choice” was painted on a door of the church and “Keep Your Religion Off Our Bodies” on an exterior wall. A pickup truck was damaged with graffiti, as were statues.

A similar attack happened at the church in September, said Mark Haas, an archdiocese spokesman, in an email.

“We knew that the upcoming Supreme Court decision might lead to this again, so I can’t say we were entirely surprised this morning,” Haas said. “We’ve certainly had internal discussions on simple ways parishes can improve their security.”

The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the incident. A monetary estimate of the damage was not available Wednesday.

The Archdiocese of Denver has reported vandalism, theft, or property damage at least 30 times since February 2020.

These people targeted the Sacred Heart of Mary seven months ago:


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“My body my choice” – these are the same people that want to force you to take the “vaccine” and wear a muzzle…

henrybowman | May 5, 2022 at 5:35 pm

““We knew that the upcoming Supreme Court decision might lead to this again, so I can’t say we were entirely surprised this morning,” Haas said. “We’ve certainly had internal discussions on simple ways parishes can improve their security.”

Bullshit. Solar powered Ring outdoor cameras cost $140 each. How many can you find in this photo? Yes, it’s a trick question.

I immediately thought of security, and cameras would be good here but my church’s AC units were vandalized last week, someone took the copper cables. Were getting cages for them and a new security system. We already dodged a bullet months ago because a visitor went into the bathroom and plugged up the toilet but seemed surprised that we didn’t lock up and leave him there. He had no good intentions.

Colorado is blue. Expect More of this behavior in the present and future.

My Body My Choice… a strawman proudly parading as a strawclown. Not even in the most leftists jurisdictions are there progressive and liberal rites for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes.

That said, consider the exquisite symmetry between baby with her first heart beat, coherent nervous function, and granny. Planned parent/hood (e.g. Whitmer/Michigan, Cuomo/New York) is a wicked solution, a final solution. The Pro-Choice “ethical” religion denies women and men’s dignity and agency, and reduces human life to a negotiable commodity. Deja vu.

The capital punishment of wholly innocent human lives for social, redistributive, clinical, and fair weather causes, is a wicked solution, a final solution, is unseemly.

Six weeks… Go! Baby steps back to conception.

Memo for vandals: Yeah, what you did will really bring Latino congregants over to your way of thinking. Not.

    n.n in reply to MarkJ. | May 5, 2022 at 9:50 pm

    Yeah, Pro-Life, Anti-Antifa[amily] with clear and sustainable convictions. Blacks, too. Yellows, too. Whites, too. Oranges, too. With the singular but rare exceptions, no one is confused about sex and conception.

Victor Immature | May 6, 2022 at 6:14 am

This story was on Tucker last night and he had a pic that wasn’t shown here. It was the phrase “Abortion Saves Lives”. The person wrote it on a wall to the left of a door frame but started to close to the door and had to make the last 4-5 letters in “abortion” much smaller and have the word curl downward to fit.

It seemed so telling…the people talking about “planned parenthood” can’t even plan a 3 word sentence.

Nothing is sacred anymore.