University of Florida to Establish Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education

Ron DeSantis is expected to support the measure. Higher education in America needs a lot more of this.

Campus Reform reports:

DeSantis to authorize Hamilton Center for teaching the ‘foundations of western and American civilization’The University of Florida is set to receive $3 million to establish its Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education.”The purpose of the center is to support teaching and research concerning the ideas, traditions, and texts that form the foundations of western and American civilization,” the amendment to Florida’s SB 2524 reads, granting the authorization to the public university.Steve Orlando, vice president for communications at the University of Florida, told Campus Reform, “While the Governor has not yet signed SB2524, we are prepared to move forward on this initiative.””[W]e look forward to making this resource available to our campus community,” he added.The legislation lists a number of goals for the Hamilton Center to accomplish through its mission.These goals are to “Educate university students in core texts and great debates of Western civilization; Educate university students in the principles, ideals and institutions of the American political order; Educate university students in the foundations of responsible leadership and informed citizenship; Provide programming and training related to civic education and the values of open inquiry and civil discourse to support the K-20 system.”The Center will also operate in coordination with the Florida Institute of Politics and the Adam Smith Center for the Study of Economic Freedom.Bryan Griffin, the deputy press secretary for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, referred Campus Reform to the politician’s comments at a Mar. 17 press conference.“[E]very single person that comes through our school system is eventually going to turn 18 and they’re going be an American citizen exercising those responsibilities,” DeSantis remarked. “[O]ur responsibility to make sure that they have a good foundation of what that means.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Florida, History, Ron DeSantis