Tulsi Gabbard on Florida Parental Rights Bill: ‘Parents Should Raise Their Kids, Not the Government’
“Parents are the ones responsible for raising their kids and instilling in them a moral foundation, not the government.”

Tulsi Gabbard likes the Florida Parental Rights law, but she wants to know why they should stop at third grade? Why not leave all sex-related topics to parents? She said:
“You may have seen in the news recently or you may be a parent who’s experienced how parental rights are under attack all across the country as the government tries to usurp parents’ rights and responsibility to raise their own children. Now we should all support the Parental Rights in Education bill that recently passed in Florida, which very simply bans government and government schools from indoctrinating woke sexual values in our schools to a captive audience. A captive audience that is by law required to attend. But as I read the legislation I got to tell you, I was shocked to learn that it only protects kids from kindergarten until third grade. Third grade? What about 12th grade or not at all? No government has no place in our personal lives. Government has no place in our bedrooms. Parents are the ones responsible for raising their kids and instilling in them a moral foundation, not the government.”
When I first heard about Florida’s Parental Rights bill, I was shocked it only protects children K-3. Third grade? How about 12th grade—or not at all. Meanwhile, schools are failing: 1 in 4 graduates are functionally illiterate. Parents should raise their kids, not the government pic.twitter.com/CycF8cKRh3
— Tulsi Gabbard
(@TulsiGabbard) April 4, 2022

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I’ll give the LTC credit where she deserves it.
She is a liberal democrat but clearly not a progressive, leftist or socialist.
Is there such a thing as a right leaning leftist?
The significance of that question will bear fruit with the passage of time.
She’s a progressive. There is no difference between her Presidential campaign platform that Bernies’.
She is pro-abortion, single payer health care, pro gun control/confiscation. Etc, etc, etc.
She just has a nicer ass than Bernie.
It’s possible to hold different views and still have integrity, still be able to engage with people you disagree with and disagree with people who share some of your views.
You highlight some elements from her political platform. So what? Does that invalidate all her views?
Of course not.
It means she’s nuts enough to not be allowed ANYWHERE near any legitimate power.
How so?
All three of the her policies cited are extremely popular in the UK, with all of the mainstream parties supporting them.
So I don’t understand why you think that makes her nuts. Clearly many intelligent and capable people share those views. They’re not all nuts.
AnAdultinDiapers: “Clearly many intelligent and capable people share those views. They’re not all nuts.”
While I agree that even a majority of intelligent and capable people can share a view, I contend that the view, and having that view, can be nuts.
Which just shows how nuts the UK has become, how far it has slipped from its roots and proud history, and is a cautionary tale for the USA not to allow ourselves to be drawn down that path.
“Many intelligent and capable people” supported nazism and communism, I suppose. And I suppose most of them were not “nuts” in the technical sense of needing to be in a padded room. But in practical terms they were indeed all dangerous nuts.
Ok, that’s you, Ira and Vancomycin all refusing to engage with political views and instead throwing stupid false accusations at the people that hold them.
That says far far more about you three than it does the people holding those views.
Let’s take abortion. Most anti-abortion Americans are anti-abortion for the irrational idiotic reason that their archaic superstitious beliefs are based on teachings of malicious population control freaks that demanded more babies to feed their power base.
I do not believe in this invisible pink sky fairy. I thus take a rational and considered approach to abortion, and firmly believe that abortion grants individual women autonomy over their own body, allows women and families to better plan when and whether to have children and also helps reduce global overpopulation.
You may disagree, and you’re welcome to disagree. I am at least able to articulate why I hold that view on abortion, and it’s not based on some dead twat that claimed to be the son of a non-existent deity.
Now consider single payer healthcare. I’ve lived in a country that’s had it throughout my entire life. It’s been successful throughout that period, with life expectancy high and continually increasing. It allows less overall spend per head than the US model and provides better support for the poorer members of our society. I’ve seen the benefits, and while there are many things I’d like to change about it, I would be horrified were we to adopt the broken expensive model in the US.
Why does that make me nuts?
As for gun control, the UK has significantly less gun crime than the US, significantly fewer murders than the US and fewer school shootings per decade than the US manages each month. While I disagree with UK gun laws (and do legally own a firearm in the UK) those statistics are highly compelling for many people.
Nuts? No, you’re just insulting people because you lack the capacity to properly challenge their arguments and disagree amicably. That’s on you.
I’ve lived in a country that’s had it throughout my entire life
So do I.
There is no country in the world with a single-payer health care system where it isn’t a dumpster fire.
I do not believe in this invisible pink sky fairy
Cringe volcanoes like you make me ashamed to be a non-believer. I’d use the term “atheist”, but rather than mean “does not believe in gods”, by common usage it’s come to mean “insecure mental adolescent projecting his daddy issues onto the nearest source of paternalistic authority”.
Of the three policies in question
1. On abortion the U.K. idea of up to 24 weeks is extreme in my opinion you have a point there.
2. Most of the western world has adopted gun control. I don’t support it but being in line with Italy, Spain, Greece and France is hardly insane.
3. Single payer-The sooner we start trying to make our current subsidized system work instead of trying to just revoke subsidies the better. We may end up with the worst of all worlds of having an unhealthy culture, the crappiest (as opposed to say better version like Denmark has which is vastly superior) version of single payer.
The nazism/communism line has to die when it isn’t relevant. I don’t think you would successfully fill up a high school auditorium or stadium with all the bolsheviks and nazis in the western world.
That is literally nuts, as in completely disconnected from any reality.
As I wrote before, taking the horrible policy positions mentioned in this thread is not literally insane as in needing to be in a padded room; in this context that’s not what “nuts” means. As I wrote, supporting nazism/communism is also not literally insane. It’s just very evil. But if someone in politics were to do so we would call them “nuts”. Maybe there’s a better term for it, but that’s generally what people mean when they say a politician’s policies are “nuts”. Maybe “kooky” is a better term?
But your description above of why decent people are against murdering unborn babies is literally nutty. It’s on a par with believing that white people were invented by an evil scientist, or that WW1 was engineered by the Joos.
Danny, that’s the reason I mentioned nazism/communism. Because those are extreme and “nutty” positions, but those who held or hold them are not literally insane and don’t need to be put in straitjackets to prevent them harming themselves. Others, that’s a different matter, but the freedom of expression prevents locking someone up for merely advocating harming others.
On single-payer, I agree that it should not have been included since while it’s a wrong-headed socialist policy it isn’t actually evil, and those supporting it are generally merely ill-informed or dull-witted, rather than disconnected from reality. But on abortion and guns we are dealing with actual deprivation of fundamental human rights; they’re both comparable to censorship. Banning guns is on the same moral level as banning newspapers or “hate speech” (something else the UK has in fact banned). Allowing abortion is exactly like legalizing the murder of Jews or of black people.
Very well articulated
With respect the position you hold with respect to abortion is highly problematic. 24 weeks Vs roe v Wade’s 22 weeks is hardly controversial. The reality is the Texas bill for example is scientifically illiterate. No credible Dr gives a hoot about an electronic signal at 6 weeks. Granting personhood at that stage is just supportable. Nor does it make medical sense there is no viability pre 22 weeks. Nor is there personhood and even if I were to ignore the above women still should have bodily autonomy. It’s completely incompatible to hold the position that you are against vaccine mandates Vs taking a person’s right to control something growing inside of them! The pro life position is exceptionally weak.
With respect the UK is not nuts, and let’s be clear Ireland came to the same conclusion which is a very religious country. The US dark age laws don’t make sense at all in any respect what so ever.
As others have noted, she should be allowed nowhere near power. Nor should anyone who holds those views.
Is she wrong about everything? No, probably not, but she’s wrong about enough that I don’t care what she might be right about.
She does indeed have a nicer ass – better so than 99.9% of women in politics. (But then, Sarah Palin is making a comeback.) And, like Palin, she doesn’t assume you want to ‘date’ her. (I think most people who think of Alexandra Cortez don’t think of ‘dating’ her in the traditional sense. Rather they wish she’d go ‘date’ herself’, if you know what I mean.) Tulsi is also a successful military officer.
All that said: she is the best of the worst, a cut above Manchin and Sinema.
Compared to the Squad freaks and the likes of Chelsea Clinton, Kamala Harris, Jill Biden, Brown-Jackson: she’s Superwoman.
“wish she’d go ‘date’ herself”
Thanks!! A new euphemism to go along with “Let’s Go Brandon.”
Bernie and Tulsi would have been a legitimate ticket but the Party stole from them as they did Trump.
But that’s a pretty low bar. I have a nicer ass than Bernie.
Always this;
“Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever” V. Lenin
And most conservative and Christian parents say, “Sure! Take my kids!” and send them to the government schools.
I came up in a time when it was safe to do so.
So you thought, but I disagree.
Parents should raise their own children, and “raise” is synonymous with “educate”. Government control of education is bad whether its agents are purple-haired trannies, or clip-on tie normies back when, and the government shouldn’t control our children. Anyway, other students probably had more effect on you, and me, than teachers did, and that left a lot of power in the hands of bullies, jackasses, goof-offs, and pop culture.
Mercy! When did you start school? 1952 here. Piedmont NC
The kid will also have been sodomized.
Apparently he really said that. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/vladimir_lenin_383393
It didn’t work out like that, though. Many people went through 8 years of Bolshevik education and came out hating the Bolshies even more than they would have done without it.
The child is the father of the man.
IMO, K-3 was chosen to highlight the absurdity of the predictable response from the left activists. That Biden, other d/prog politicians, corporations, celebrities and others have leaped headlong into this tar baby is a bonus.
DeSantis is very good at getting inside the decision loop of the left and dictating their actions. The d/prog politicians who get in front of this train are going to regret it in November. What happened in VA when normal folks decided to act to protect their children is going to be repeated Nationally. The d/prog candidates can either align with the whacky activists that support what many consider grooming or the ability of Parents to raise their children.
Between this issue in Florida and illegals soon to be flooding the entire southern USA, including Florida, it may be a challenge for any Democrat to be elected there.
Elsewhere, I saw a forecast of 20 million “Biden” illegals by November 2024, or 6% of the population. If anyone thinks this many can be confined to limited areas, they are kidding themselves. Multiply your community’s population by 6% to see your “fair share” of the problem and the continuing risk to the Democrats.
The damage from these illegals will be generational, and in my opinion, unrecoverable. Hence, the democrat/GOPe open border.
shut the public schools and the government down with arrests, trials and executions,.,,,,,,,they are trying to kill you.
Kids: they’re also trying to bugger you.
Our annual school levy failed for the third time in a row. So this coming year, a number of board members resigned, as did the principal of one of the schools. AND school will be limited to only 4 days/week next year.
baby steps.
Meanwhile, I am planning a Friday supplement for interested kids (5-18) and their parent(s) on Fridays based on my former homeschool co-op.
Either a Bolshevik style revolution OR you could reform the school system, USE the political power VOTERS gave you, you know like Ron DeSantis ditch “MUH GOVERNMEND BAAAD MUH GOVERNMENT BAAAAADDDDD!!!!!!!!” and we could go back to governing like the 20th century Republican party did and ditch this 22 year anarchism larp the Republican Party has been up to.
Hey, Danny, hows about that Romney, Cheney, and Snowe, eh?
What good government. They’re truly watching out for us.
1. Romney-He hated the 20th century Republican Party and is fully with the “MUH GOVERNMENT BAAAD”. Just see what he had to say about the Raegan years during the 20th century. Also see what he thinks of the way Ron DeSantis and Gregg Abbott are returning to governing instead of “MUH GOVERNMENT BAD” (Hint he is with the governor of Utah in continuing “MUH GOVERNMENT BAD”)
2. Cheney-Same thing
3. Snowe-Ok ya got me. You found a Republican from the 20th century who actually can be called a squish. She could also credibly be called from a blue state, and better than the Democrat you could have had instead of her because word is that she is from Maine and represented Maine. If you had to chose between her and Angus King.
No matter how you slice it the decision to abandon governing and social issues under Bush was a catastrophe for the Republican Party and the culture, and it is only very recent that some Republicans are relearning lessons we knew very well in the 20th century.
That borderline bolshevik rant I just responded to would have earned you a ban from any 20th century Republican institution.
Tulsi Gabbard: Parents should raise their own kids
Hillary Clinton: Oh no! It takes 2 or 3 villages
Tulsi Gabbard: No wonder Chelsea is so screwed up
Chelsea Clinton – aside from being a moron – is also a corrupt POS. She knows full well where her wealth comes from, including her 1.5 million dollar wedding paid for BY A CHARITY whose donors unwittingly paid for it:
Chelsea Clinton used foundation to help pay for wedding:
I’m just glad my “village” was specific and finite.
The next election is going to be difficult for progressive fascists so she is pretending to be sane. Don’t let her fool you. If she was sane she would r sign from the progressive fascist party.
“When I first heard about Florida’s Parental Rights bill, I was shocked it only protects children K-3. Third grade? How about 12th grade—or not at all.”
Well, Tulsi, it’s precisely because Ron figured correctly that covering just pre-K-3 would generate as big a shitstorm from your party as he was equipped to handle.
Had he made it full Pre-K-12, Furries in Disney costumes would now be rampaging through Orlando, setting fire to Seaworld and Aquatica, and taking axes to the Fire Museum.
…as your compatriots have proven in South Dakota: K-12 there just went down in flames.