Student Leader at Ohio State U. Wants Black People to be Taught They Are Superior

How about if we don’t say that any race is superior? What if we just let go of this obsession with race altogether?

FOX News reports:

Ohio State University student leader says he would ‘love’ for Black people to be taught ‘they are superior’An Ohio State University student leader is facing criticism from other students for a comment he made during a student government meeting in March, stating that he’d “love” to live in a world where “Black people were taught that they are superior.”John Fuller, who was parliamentarian of the Ohio State University Undergraduate Student Government General Assembly at the time of the meeting, made the comments while presenting a resolution aimed at condemning all anti-critical race theory legislation, according to OSU’s student newspaper The Lantern.During the March 23 general assembly meeting, Fuller said that White people are taught they are “superior” to other races, and would “love” to see that change.”I just wanted to say that and make this very clear, the only people who are taught that they are superior to another race are White people,” Fuller said. “And I would absolutely love to live in a world where Black people were taught that they are superior.”Fuller said that he “full-heartedly” believes that Black people are superior.”I would love it because I full-heartedly believe that,” he added.Fuller said that taking away the teaching of one race as superior is White supremacy.”By taking away the teaching of one race as superior to another, that is inherently White supremacy,” Fuller said. “Because White people learn from birth that they are superior, there is nothing that they need to be taught in school that tells them that. They learn that from their lived experiences.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Ohio