Student Government Parliamentarian at Ohio State U. Thinks Black People Are Superior

Can you even begin to imagine the meltdown from the left if a white student said anything even close to this?

The College Fix reports:

Black Ohio State U. student government parliamentarian: ‘Black people are superior’The parliamentarian of the Ohio State University student government is under fire for stating his belief that black people “are superior.”John Fuller, who’s black, made the claim during a presentation for a resolution against “anti-critical race theory legislation,” The Lantern reports.“I would absolutely love to live in a world where Black people were taught that they are superior,” Fuller said. “I would love it because I full-heartedly believe that.”Fuller alleged white people “learn through lived experiences” that they are superior.During the presentation, Fuller said white supremacy is a “’relatively new, ‘heavily debated’ term that is not taught because ‘a lot of people don’t like calling white people superior.’”“By taking away the teaching of one race as superior to another, that is inherently white supremacy because white people learn from birth that they are superior. There is nothing that they need to be taught in school that tells them that,” Fuller said.

Tags: College Insurrection, Ohio