Jen Psaki Blames Texas When Asked About Death of National Guardsman at the Border

A Texas National Guardsman named Bishop E. Evans died last week, presumably by drowning when he tried to rescue two illegal border crossers who turned out to be drug mules.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about this on Monday and shifted the blame to the state of Texas.

Of course, the Texas National Guard wouldn’t even be involved in protecting the border if the federal government was doing its job under Joe Biden.

But remember, the Democrats are the people who care.

Spencer Brown reports at Townhall:

Psaki Rejects Responsibility for Texas Guardsman’s Death, Blames Texas for Doing Biden’s JobKicking off Monday’s press briefing by laughing while declaring “there’s nothing happening in the world today I hear,” the death of Texas National Guard SPC Bishop E. Evans while fighting Biden’s border crisis apparently couldn’t have mattered less to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.At the top of her briefing, Psaki failed to offer any comment on the tragic death of SPC Evans until she was asked point-blank if the White House had anything to say about the incident that saw the heroic guardsman dive into the Rio Grande River to save flailing illegal border crossers who were allegedly drug smugglers, losing his own life as a result.After waiting some four days to offer any statement from the White House or the President of the United States, Ken Psaki — again, only when pressed — finally commented the death of SPC Evans…”Of course we are mourning the loss of his life and we are grateful for the work of every national guardsman,” Psaki began before immediately blaming someone else — conveniently the red state of Texas. “I would note that the National Guard work for the states and so he is an employee of the Texas National Guard and his efforts and his operation were directed by there, not by the federal government in this effort- in this apparatus,” Psaki claimed.

Here’s the video:

Just stunning.

Katie Pavlich reacted with disgust:

This young man was only 22 years old.

Could someone in the Biden administration at least pretend to care?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Biden Administration, Border Crisis, Jen Psaki, Texas