Harvard Cancels Talk by Feminist Philosopher for Opposing Transgender Ideology

Have you noticed that the left now routinely cancels feminists if they’re not on board with trans ideas?

The College Fix reports:

Harvard disinvites feminist philosopher for opposing transgender ideologyHarvard University canceled a talk by philosopher Devin Buckley on the topic of British Romanticism due to her views on transgenderism.The Ivy League school canceled her visit after the one of the event coordinators discovered her affiliation with a group critical of transgender ideology, according to The Post Millennial. The university informed Buckley of the cancellation on April 18 due to her board membership with the Women’s Liberation Front, which its letter called “an organization that takes a public stance regarding trans people as dangerous and deceptive.”Buckley identified the English department employee who canceled her talk as Erin Saladin, in comments given to National Review.In a statement posted to its website April 21, WOLF wrote that it “opposes this blatantly false characterization of our work, as well as Harvard’s flagrant disregard for free speech. Dr. Buckley’s original talk did not have anything to do with her feminist beliefs.”It’s not clear when specifically the event was to take place, but WOLF is hosting a virtual discussion with Buckley (pictured) on Wednesday.The group opposes legislation such as California Senate Bill 132, which allows incarcerated men to be housed in women’s correctional facilities based on self-declared “gender identity.” WOLF has also defended sex-based rights in professional sports.

Tags: College Insurrection, Harvard, Transgender