Duke Divinity School Worship Service Praises ‘The Great Queer One’

The left will not be satisfied until the progressive agenda is inserted into every single aspect of your life.

The College Fix reports:

Duke Divinity School holds worship service to ‘the great queer one’A recent worship service co-hosted by Duke Divinity School and the Duke Divinity Pride student organization invited students to praise the “great queer one.”“We want to affirm everyone to be who they truly are,” second year Master of Divinity student Caroline Camp began. “To step into the holy one’s fire that burns away all that says we are not good enough and refines us by the Pentecostal fire to be who exactly the great queer one calls us to be. Let the spirit move you today, lift your hands and voices and dance in whatever way is most freeing to you.”The one-hour March 22 “service of word” took place in Goodson Chapel, described as the center of worship life at Duke Divinity School. A video of the event on YouTube shows several dozen in attendance.Duke Divinity School and Duke Divinity Pride did not respond to requests for comment from The College Fix.Camp, in her opening prayer, praised a God she described as “strange one, fabulous one, fluid and ever becoming one.”“Do not allow us to make our ideas of you into an idol,” Camp said. “You are as close to us as our own breath, and yet your essence transcends all that we can imagine. You are mother, father, and parent. You are sister, brother, and sibling. You are drag queen and trans man and genderfluid, incapable of limiting your vast expressions of beauty, embodied in us, your creation.”“We recognize our flesh, in all its forms, is made holy in you,” she continued. “With thanksgiving, we celebrate your manifestation in all its glorious forms,” she said.

Tags: College Insurrection, LGBT, Religion