Conservative and Libertarian Student Journalists at U. Chicago Called Out the Media’s Bias

The University of Chicago recently held a conference on disinformation featuring people from CNN, if you can believe it. Student journalists from the Chicago Thinker called them out with thoughtful questions.

John Kass writes at his blog:

Brave Chicago Thinker Gives Media Regime a Bad Case of ‘the Vapors’The University of Chicago sits on a mountain of money, more than $11 billion.With so much cash, you’d think U of C could pick up a few fainting couches for the national corporate media elite. They’re still suffering from an attack of “the vapors” after a recent conference on “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy.”The corporate media elite, gatekeepers of information and the high priests of public discourse, are the true disinformation specialists. They’ve given up reporting news that doesn’t fit their politics.It takes great hubris for disinformation specialists to appear at a conference on disinformation, to lecture others about the dangers of disinformation. But it does prove two things:They have no sense of irony.And they are liars.Yet thanks to the brave young libertarian and conservative U of C student staff members of The Chicago Thinker, the elite media gatekeepers had an embarrassing public meltdown. And a bad case of the vapors as well.The student staff of The Chicago Thinker did not shout down the panelists. There was no violence, screaming, no ugly vulgar theater as we see all too often from the left at university campuses when they hold their festivals of hate and prohibit free speech in what was the public square.All that the Chicago Thinker staff did at the conference was respectfully ask the media regime questions they just couldn’t answer.Questions about disinformation.And questions about that Hunter Biden laptop story that the New York Post broke before the 2020 election, the story that corrupt corporate media either helped suppress or ignored while calling themselves journalists.Anne Applebaum of The Atlantic thinks the Hunter Biden laptop story isn’t all that interesting. She was asked about this by Daniel Schmidt of The Chicago Thinker:“In 2020, you wrote, “those who live outside the Fox News bubble do not of course need to learn any of the stuff about Hunter Biden,’ referring to his laptop, of course. A poll later found that if voters knew about the content of the laptop, 16 percent of Joe Biden voters would have acted differently.”

This was the best moment:

Tags: Chicago, College Insurrection, Conservatives, Libertarian