Biden Goes After ‘Ghost Guns,’ Nominates New ATF Director

The Democrats love trying the same ideas over and over despite getting the same result.

They have done that once again concerning guns. Let’s go after the physical object and not the people committing the crimes.

A ghost gun is privately made and does not have serial numbers making it untraceable. The DOJ asked the Federal Register to implement the “Frame or Receiver” Final Rule, which would change the definition of a firearm and include the ghost gun:

Today, the Department of Justice announced that it has submitted to the Federal Register the “Frame or Receiver” Final Rule, which modernizes the definition of a firearm. Once implemented, this rule will clarify that parts kits that are readily convertible to firearms are subject to the same regulations as traditional firearms. These regulatory updates will help curb the proliferation of “ghost guns,” which are often assembled from kits, do not contain serial numbers, and are sold without background checks, making them difficult to trace and easy to acquire by criminals.

Some of the changes include:

Biden used many of the left’s favorite buzzwords and lies when it comes to guns. Apparently, criminals prefer to use ghost guns more than any other gun, gun manufacturers have excellent immunity, and Congress needs to pass universal background checks.

I Googled “ghost guns used in crimes.” I’m seeing articles state that there is a rise in criminals using these so-called guns, but nothing that says these are the preferred guns.

I’d like to see Biden’s proof.

Biden also repeated his beloved lie that gun manufacturers have immunity. Stephen Gutowski explained in April 2021:

“People don’t realize the only industry in America, a billion-dollar industry, that can’t be sued, that are exempt from being sued, are gun manufacturers,” Biden said. “This is the only outfit that is exempt from being sued.”That claim is also false. Gun manufacturers can be sued and sometimes are sued over claims of negligence. Remington settled a lawsuit over an alleged design flaw with the trigger on its popular Model 700 rifle, and Sig Sauer has been sued multiple times over an alleged safety defect with its P320 handgun. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which Biden hopes to repeal, provides immunity to the industry over lawsuits stemming from the criminal misuse of guns by third parties.Even the limited immunity granted to the gun industry is not unique. Numerous other industries benefit from protections against lawsuits that do not implicate willful misconduct on the part of the company. Pharmaceutical companies developing COVID-19 vaccines have immunity from lawsuits over side-effects caused by the life-saving drugs under the 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The same immunity extends to employers who require vaccinations for employment, according to CNBC.

Listen to these soundbites. The man has no idea what he is talking about. I wonder what kind of notes he had in front of him.

Now let’s talk about Biden’s pick for ATF director. His first choice, David Chipman, never made it through because four senators would have voted no: Angus King (I-ME), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), and Jon Tester (D-MT).

Former prosecutor and Ohio Attorney General candidate Steve Dettelbach will have to get their votes in order to lead the ATF.

Gitowski wrote at The Reload:

Dettelbach spent several decades as a prosecutor. He was unanimously confirmed to be a United States Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio in 2009. However, his career took a political turn after leaving the office in 2016. Two years later, he ran for Ohio Attorney General as a Democrat.Dettelbach established his support for gun-control proposals from universal background checks to an “assault weapons” ban during the race while speaking with a local NPR affiliate. Dettelbach lost to Republican Dave Yost by about four points.In 2021, Dettelbach attempted to get his old job back but failed in part due to opposition from civil-rights leaders. Samaria Rice, whose son Tamir was killed by Cleveland Police in 2014 when they mistook his toy gun for a real one, complained to Senator Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio) after he told her he’d recommended Dettelbach to President Biden. “The community deserves a fair process,” not a “white, political insider” pick, she told at the time. Dettelbach was not nominated for a second stint after that.His run as a Democrat and public support for new gun restrictions will likely complicate his path to confirmation. Gun-rights groups and the firearms industry alike are already criticizing Biden’s pick of Dettelbach as a non-starter. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), an industry trade group, said it wants a permanent director. However, it said it can only support a director who “will not politicize the ATF to advance a partisan gun control agenda.”

If he does get confirmed let’s hope we don’t have another Operation Fast & Furious.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, ATF, Biden Appointments