Universities Across the Country to Celebrate “Womxn’s History Month”
“The term ‘womxn’ is used as an objection to the patriarchal idea that womxn are an extension to men and the inclusion of all womxn go beyond just cis-women”

The term “womxn” should go over about as well as “Latinx.” Isn’t this an insult to women?
The College Fix reports:
Universities nationwide to host ‘Womxn’s History Month’ events
Many universities nationwide are no longer celebrating “women” for March’s “Women’s History Month.” Now they’re celebrating “womxn.”
Campuses have scheduled a variety of “Womxn’s History Month” activities for the coming weeks to be inclusive to transgender women — or biological men who identify as women.
Gone are the days when Women’s History Month exclusively celebrated those born with an XX pair of sex chromosomes and all that comes with it.
This month, Northwest Missouri State University will commemorate “Womxn History Month” with poets, a film screening and a wellness session. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is slated to host a “Womxn Leading UWO Conference.”
Cal State University San Bernardino touted that it will celebrate “Womxn’s History Month” by putting on a “Meeting at the Intersections: What’s HERstory?” intersectionality conference.
“The term ‘womxn’ is used as an objection to the patriarchal idea that womxn are an extension to men and the inclusion of all womxn go beyond just cis-women,” notes CSUSB’s website.
Rider University, in plugging its “Womxn’s History Month” programming, explains on its website that spelling it “womxn is used to respect the dynamic and fluid nature of gender identity and expression and to be inclusive of all people who identify as women.”
The New Jersey university is scheduled to host, among other events, a presentation that “interrogates Black womxn’s existence in R&B and Hip Hop music” and a reception honoring “womxn student athletes.”
Even California Lutheran University, whose students represent a wide variety of faiths, is getting in on the action. It will throw a “Womxn’s History Month Luncheon” on March 29.

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I’m not even going to try to figure out how to prononce that.
Exactly. I can pronounce “Latinx”. It’s like “lynx”, with an “at” thrown in. Right? At least that’s the only way I can think of. But how does one go about pronouncing this one? “wim-ks’n”?
I’ve heard people pronounce it “la-TIN-ex” as in “la-TIN-o,” but it’s equally obnoxious either way.
Who, aside from those with “studies” majors, will even care?
Have you forgotten the unofficial slogan of the left? “YOU WILL BE MADE TO CARE.”
Idiocy seems to be highly contagious. But wearing masks doesn’t seem to prevent its spread. Most women feel that “womxn” is a slur like b****es.
Most Hispanics hate the term “Latinx” because it is totally foreign to the Spanish language. “Latino” and “Latina” are the correct Spanish terms, and “Latino” is correct for the adjective and “Latinos” for a mixed group.
I hope the Dems keep using the term “Latinx” because it insults the ears of all Spanish-speaking voters, to help them see that they belong with the Republican Party.
I will contribute five hundred dollxrs to the local university’s celebration.
The term ‘dollxrs’ is used as an objection to the patriarchal idea that financial systems are the creation of men, and actually denote dropped cholla “pups” that I have had to remove from my lawn this spring.