Report: Over 100 Professors Targeted for Their Speech in 2021

Free Speech

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education does amazing work protecting free speech. They just released a disturbing report on free speech in higher education.

From the FIRE blog:

REPORT: At least 111 professors targeted for their speech in 2021Executive SummaryOver the past seven years, 537 incidents targeting a scholar for some form of professional sanction over constitutionally protected speech have occurred.[1] Almost two-thirds of these targeting incidents have resulted in a sanction, and just over one-fifth have resulted in a scholar’s termination. Our initial report covered targeting incidents from 2015-20, with minimal discussion of the targeting incidents which occurred in 2021. This report primarily focuses on the targeting incidents that occurred in 2021. Key findings include:- In 2021, 111 scholars were subjected to a targeting incident.- Scholars were most often targeted for expressing a personal view or opinion on a controversial social issue (65 incidents; 59%).- Over one-third of targeting incidents occurred because of a scholar’s scientific inquiry (20 incidents; 18%) or teaching practices (27 incidents; 24%).- Almost half of scholars were targeted for expression regarding race or racial issues (54 incidents; 49%).- Scholars were also likely to be targeted for their expression on hot-button issues such as partisanship (28 incidents; 25%) or gender (26 incidents; 23%), or for their views on institutional policy (28 incidents; 25%).- Targeting incidents occurred most often in the disciplines of law (12 incidents), English (12 incidents), political science (11 incidents), and medicine (9 incidents).- More than 60% of targeting incidents resulted in some form of sanction being leveled against the scholar, including 28 investigations, 18 suspensions, and 14 terminations.

This was a key finding:

– Almost two-thirds of the incidents (76 incidents; 68%) came from individuals and groups to the political left of the scholar, compared to less than one-third (33 incidents; 30%) that came from the right of the scholar.

Tags: College Insurrection, Free Speech