Report: DHS Bracing for as Many as 500,000 Migrants in the Six Weeks Following Title 42 Being Lifted

A measure called Title 42 was implemented early in the COVID pandemic to limit the spread of the disease from people illegally crossing the border.

Now the Biden White House and the CDC are rolling it back, which is going to lead to even greater numbers of border crossers.

In other words, the crisis at the border is about to get a lot worse.

FOX News reports:

Border Patrol agents bracing for new migrant wave if Title 42 lifts: ‘We are expecting to get wrecked’Border Patrol agents are fearing that they are going to get hit by an enormous surge in migrants at the southern border if the Biden administration ends Title 42 in May – on top of the already massive numbers they are already facing.”We are expecting to get wrecked,” one Border Patrol agent told Fox News.Multiple outlets reported Wednesday that the Biden administration is planning to announce that it will end Title 42 on May 23, giving the Department of Homeland Security time to prepare for an expected increase in migrants at the border.The order was implemented by the Trump administration in March 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and has since been used by both the Trump and Biden administrations to expel a majority of migrants at the border. In February, approximately 55% of the more than 164,000 migrants encountered were returned due to the order.The ending of the order is something that has been demanded by left-wing activists and top Democrats for months, but also raises fears not just about a larger number of illegal migrants being released into the U.S., but also that it will encourage even larger numbers of migrants to try to get into the U.S.

Chuck Schumer is all for this, naturally.

ABC News reports:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he has been “deeply disappointed” in the Biden administration for not ending the Title 42 rapid expulsion protocols and he specifically referenced the risks posed to Ukrainian families.”This is not who we are as a country,” Schumer said earlier this month. “Continuing this Trump-era policy defies common sense and common decency. Now’s the time to stop the madness. President Biden must fulfill his promise to fully restore our refugee laws, bring order to the border and stop the use of Title 42 to justify these deportations.”

Not all Democrats are on board. We do have a midterm election in seven months.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Centers for Disease Control, DHS, Wuhan Coronavirus